Introduction Post

in HiveGhana6 months ago

Hello everyone, I am Daniella Donkor from Ghana, precisely Takoradi-Western Region. I am an Environmentalist and a Gender and Climate Change Advocate. I was introduced to this platform by @depressedfuckup and I can’t want to share my content and make new friends.

Since I was a kid, I have always had passion for nature.I would often hear my teachers say the plant earth was dying and I would be so worried. Who wants to kill the only home we know of? And why? From the very first day I got to know I could help save the earth, I made up my mind to be an “earth-doctor”. This led me to study BSc Environmental Science at the University for Development Studies.

If you don’t see me studying, you will probably see me dancing, crocheting or sleeping. “You don’t look like someone who can dance”. If I had a dollar anytime people said that, after they saw me dance,I would probably be a millionaire.

And oh for crocheting, I am very good at it and I am looking forward to sharing my content on this platform and as well teach others who may be interested.

I hope to learn a lot from this platform and most importantly obtain in-depth knowledge on how blockchain works. Thank you for your time and see you on my next post.


Lol one of those dollars would’ve come from me.😅

I’ve never heard anyone call refer to environmentalists as “earth doctors”. It totally makes sense though.

There’s a crocheting community on Hive. I’m sure you’ll have a lot of fun there sharing and connecting with crocheters all over the world.

It’s great to see you finally here. Look around and explore, and I’ll be around if you have any questions.

Thank you for not gatekeeping this great platform.

Pleasure. Hive is a great community and I feel that everyone deserves to know and be a part of it:)

Welcome to hive babygirl. Hope to keep in touch with your publications here. Feel free to ask questions when you feel lost and feel free to tag me if you have any difficulties. Enjoy your stay. 💪🏾

Alright,thank you.

Welcome to hive. It feels good knowing that you were introduced to hive by @depressedfuckup.

I would have said you are my lost and found rib but depressed won't allow me to shine so let me come and be going.

Hahaha, thank you.

That’s all you know.😂

Hello, Welcome here in hive platform. We are very happy to have new member here. Enjoy posting and have a nice day. 😊

Thank you and you too.

Welcome to hive dear, enjoy your stay here on hive

Thank you.

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Hello, @abenad! Welcome to Hive Blockchain! Can't wait to see your beautiful crocheting results. You can share about it via Needle Work Monday Community. or if you dare, for sure, you can share your dancing activity via video on Threespeak Community :)

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Have a great day!

Thank you.

Welcome dear wish you are the best check out other community there is many community here in the block chain most of the them have weekly prompt. Community like #hivelearners, #ladiesofhive etc. I wish you all the best in your journey you have a great inboarder

Thank you

You are welcome

Welcome to hive

Thank you.

Beautiful you dearie.
What better hobbies do I desire rather than wishing to be like you. I dance a little too but most times I am singing and shouting down the roof.
I feel glad to stop by here and know more about you, you are such a darling and I hope that we would learn a lot from each other

I hope that as many people will also be passionate enough about saving the earth like you do.

Oh I can teach you how to dance,it will be slow but sure.
Thank you and I hope to get to know you too.

And I finally found your introduction post 😂

After how many years now🤣🤣🤣