Have you ever

in HiveGhanalast month (edited)

Happy new month my fellow hivers. I hope this month is better than the previous one and hopefully we keep growing in every ramifications of our life. For my first article this month, i decided to ask myself some series of questions. These are like questions that i have decided to ask myself due to the fact of not having any inspiration to write a full article and i came up with the idea of question templates.

1. have you ever been in love?

Yes several times, I have fallen in love with someone and to be sincere it is really beautiful and awesome moments during my life and i enjoyed being in love. Even though true love is hard to find as of today and people rarely fall in love like the old days. I believe love is real and can be true.

2. Have you ever felt lonely?

Not really I have family and I have friends. So when I need them I always have them around me and when they need me too I always try my best to show up for them. They are very good at cheering me up when i am down and I am huge fan on friendships and family so I guess I can say I have never really felt lonely. But sometimes life can be so hard and all you will need is God and i have been in such situations before and i am glad I scaled through it.

3. Have you ever traveled to overseas?

No I have never taking a trip overseas. In my country it cost a lot and one has to make a lot of preparations and paperworks. Though i have traveled to countries that are close by to my country since they are cheaper and easier

4. Talk to stranger?

This is the one I do a lot, as a fashion designer you must have a good communication skills and my sales are mostly to strangers and i have different means and ways which i talk to then especially when it comes to advertising my fashion designs to them. It took time but now I'm better at talking to anyone both virtually and physically.

5. Have you ever been involved in Siblings fight?

Obviously, i feel this is necessary when you have siblings. There are some days where will get into fight and sometimes it could be something that doesn't worth it. The fight are definitely not physical fighting where by we are hitting each other and i would never dare to hit my siblings. We only get to talk about what we're doing bad and it's affecting them or whatever we're doing that they really don't like or feel comfortable with. During fights like this, we get to reveal what we normally wouldn't at some point and that's the beuty if those fights.

6. Have you ever been dumped in a relationship?

To be honest, I haven't been dumped in a relationship because i haven't gotten into a serious relationship. It's either we become friends and when they realize that our goals doesn't align, they probably decide to move on to another partner taht suits what they are looking for because I don't want to be in a relationship that would not lead to marriage because that's my goal for getting into any relationship.

7. Have you ever dumped someone?

This has probably happened twice and this was because they only wanted physical connection and they were not ready to fulfill their own part of the relationship and they also don't know why they want the relationship and that's why i mostly leave them and before i do that, i make sure they are aware of ehat they are doing wrong and also why i have decided to move on.

8. Have you ever been involved in an unplanned stuff?

This always happens with my friends, they will all just decide to come to ky house and pick me up without informing me about their plans because they know I'm an introvert and i barely go out except it's business oriented. I have gone for several unplanned events like birthday, party and even events and all these are because of my friends.

9. Have you ever watched a movie alone?

As an introvert, this is normal to me and i enjoy doing this especially if it's a romantic movie. I could spend my entire weekend watching movies because that's the only free time i have. Korean movies are just too exceptional and i enjoy every moment and time i dedicate to watching movies alone

10. Have you ever felt confused with life?

Life doesn't go all smooth everytime and there's always ups and downs. There's no manual to which life should be lived and sometimes i get confused and don't know what's going on

These are all the questions i have on my templates and i hope you enjoyed reading my answers to each questions.

Thanks for reading 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷✨✨✨✨✨✨
Happy new month 💕💕✨✨


I love what you said about the relationship part, I mean what's the essence of a relationship if it won't lead to marriage, now I know all relationships don't lead to the alter but then if the two parties involved are working hard to make the relationship work I mean why not? Too bad guys nowadays just want our bodies for fun😔 and the good guys are very rare.

And the sad part is that we can't know their true intention until they've done what they want to do

That's the most painful part 😔😔 then you'll notice them acting weird.

Yeah 🥲 and also distancing themselves

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The siblings fight 😊 I cal my younger brother my quarrel partner cause why not that guy deserves an award in verbal fights but all the same he's still my brother

😂😂 I'm very good at it

I was just looking out for the have you ever dumped someone and then after getting my answer, I was looking for the have you ever been dumped before

Interestinggg, let me write notes for personal use

😂😂 atleast at some point in life, everyone will experience heartbreak. Only the lucky ones escape the heartbreak

Yeah I know right

The 6th and 7th question relates so loudly to me. I only get into a relationship with the sole aim of marriage and not for tryouts.
You've got your priorities set firmly and that is admirable.🤩

Thanks 😊.... I learnt that from my mum and I have decided that must be the reason getting into any relationship

Oh, nice! Your mum is a gem🤩

Вeautiful selfie 🌸


Yeah... My friend gave me the account to try it out since I'm not doing anything currently till I come back to lagos

Aww, thats nice