Mixed School is always my favourite

in HiveGhana18 days ago

Good day Everyone in this Amazing Community.
It has been a very busy week for me, but that won't stop me to post in one of my favourite community.
Today topic is one of the most argued topic in Nigeria here. The idea of Single sex school and mixed sex school has been an idea that has been in existence for long.
Many people in Nigeria have that believe that when you put you child or ward in Single sex school, the child would be focused and not get spoilt by any immoral sexual acts that usually runs in the society. But this is not so true.
I heard and experienced Some examples of how students that attends single sex school being academically dull and lack morals.


What are Single Sex School or single sex education?

Single-sex education can be defined as an educational system or institution or school where only one gender is allowed.
Take For example, you will find a girls’ school where no boys are admitted (this is usually tagged as "all Girls School), and in some other areas, you will find a boys’ school where no girls are allowed (this is usually tagged as "all boys school).
Here are some benefits of single-sex education

  • Creating more comfortable environment: there won't be pressure of how to behave in the presence of opposite sex, situation like, their appearance, their mode of dressing, wether they are beautiful or not won't be a problem again, if its a single sex education.

  • No comparison :
    In single-sex education their won't be any form of comparison of the type of sport, duties or activities given to the opposite sex.

  • No bullying:
    Their can be less bullying, especially in some cases of the mixed-sex school where the male possibly bully the females and vice versa.

*. Freedom of speech
It is widely believed that being in single-sex institutions can give more freedom of speech, the pupils won't need to worry about how to speak in the presence of the opposite sex.


What about Mixed-sex Education ?
Mixed-sex education also know as missed-gender education, is a system of Education, where Male and Female are educated together.

Benefits of mixed-gender Education

  • It reflects the wider world to the child
    This usually help some children to feel comfortable socially in other environments, including the world of work and their future profession.

  • Aids in Balancing Education
    A mixed-gender environment can help children to see things from others’ points of view and better accept difference.


My opinion on this:
Let face the Reality of things, If your child will graduate to face all the genders, why not let Him or Her experience that all the way from the point of learning in school lol.
To me its Just like Running away from Reality and then coming back to face it squarely after a few years 😂

Thank you all for reading ❤️

Do have a lovely Week 👍



Well well well, I’m in the mood for some argument today😂😂

I attended a single sex school and guess what? I turned out fine. I am confident in the midst of both men and women.
I don’t want to continue the list….now that I’ve negated your points?
What else?

Bring it on Drey🤣

Don't lie, you usually take long break from your school to see that your BF from the other side those years 😂, that is why, it was easy for you to cope with the reality after school

God forbid🤣🤣

Is that all you got? And is this you saying so you mixed school people were in school dating each other?🤣

Hehe, I have more in my arsenal, I just wanted you to say the truth first 😂
