Would You Walk Here!?!

in Threespeak16 days ago (edited)

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Epic jurney?
Oops, this post just piblished itself haha, thanks for the @threespeak update on the mobile app videos publish nownafter upload, and this suprised me haha

I wanted to upload and publish later. That is the reason I did not write text with it!

So here is the story!

We are here in an old village in the italien speaking part of switzerland. Imagine, some houses are older than the discovery of america!

It has bridges build by the romans, still standing strong and beautiful!

Nature is fascinating with big lizards and a lot of BirdLife.

The only sad part was the edges of the river maggia where coming letly invested with a neophyte plant, adn that is endangering the habitat.
But nature will find its way!

I will publish a video of a long modern Bridge crossing the river Maggia. It is without cuts and shows the surrounding verry well!
So don't miss this deep dive inte swiss nature and make shure you catch my next video!

See you soon beautifull people, stay happy and healthy!

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Looks awesome. So green too.

The structures in the village look incredible! Looks like a grand adventure!

So beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Nice walk and nice place!
!discovery 30

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There is no one who won’t be happy to have a walk here
It is a very fantastic place
It is beautiful

Bish im Tessin? 😁

i walked in the Cumbrecita - Cordoba so i can walk there too :D