Working on the first GifmeBeer Events

in BEER2 months ago


This is a busy week. We have the regular work of a new startup launch plus two events, one on Thursday and another on Saturday.

On Thursday we will have a draw for all those who came to the Barcelona Beer Festival and ended the challenge of collecting 6 NFTs from the partnering breweries. There will be 80 merch prizes and a very special one, the Barcelona Beer Festival Lifetime Pass. We have started to announce it on our regular social media channels and things are heating up. You can read about it in this mirror post which you can also collect.

The venue is Maresme Taproom, which I have posted about a few weeks ago. They were also one of the six breweries participating in the challenge and the only one from town. I want to give special thanks to them for letting us use their venue. There are many things to organize but I think the way we are facing the draw is quite nice.

All 250 qualifying participants will be able to check their dApp and find a beer variety name on it, Mystic Ivory Porter, Crisp Ebony Kolsch or Wicked Ivory Saison are some of the participating names. We decided to create a relation between walled addresses and beer names to make it easier for winners to recognize them in the draw results. I am pretty sure not all 250 participants will show up as some of them may be from out of town, so we even may be able to get a present for all the ones attending as we will be only giving away the presents to those been at the venue.

After the merch draws, we will launch the awaited draw of the LifeTime Pass. In this case, qualifying participants will not need to be in the venue, we will give 3 days to the winner to get in touch with us, and after that period of time, we will launch a new draw to find a new winner.

Maresme Brewery will also be distributing their first Beer Label NFT to those consuming their Garbia beer, so even if you do not qualify for the merch draw, you can show up and start your Craft Beer NFT collection.


Saturday will be a little bit more relaxing for us. Wylie Brewing will have a party with live music at its taproom to present 5 new beers. They will also announce a new challenge lasting 5 weeks, where they will be distributing one of the 5 beer NFTs every week for those consuming it. After that period, those with the 5 nfts will qualify for a 5 beer pack.


You can see all the new beer NFTs on the dApp if you login and check. We keep adding them as we onboard new breweries, hopefully we will soon start adding new international ones.
