It is more than just a work of art.

in DIYHub15 days ago
When I see people with so much talent, I always get jealous and wonder how they possess that kind of talent. And one of the talents I respect most are those that can draw or craft anything.

When I was a child, I had a group of people I followed to museums, and we did that every good year. Since I do not even know what it's all about, I always see people talking about the arts and paying more attention to them. I was like, What is this art all about? I never knew that the arts are not just arts; they are made with so many meaningful things.

When I was growing up, I started visiting museums and seeing lots of art. The fact that there is a beautiful meaning to all those arts is what I always love to listen to.

After which, I finished my secondary education some years ago. I stayed home for a while, then visited a place called IITA. International institutes of tropical agriculture. This place is beautiful and is owned by 50 countries.

We used to call this place small London. Well, to cut a long story short, I met a brother called Afees. This man is working with a white American man, and all they sell is art. This is where my love for the arts begins.


Brother Afees happens to be someone who is so in love with the arts, and of course that is what he studied in the higher institutions. I couldn't help but always visit him whenever he's drawing. I got to know a whole lot of things about drawing, even though I couldn't draw. I believe only people who are gifted can do something like that.

To cut a long story short, after which brother Afees left the place. I was hired to sell art, and this is where I got to know more about them. Anytime any person patronizes me, all I think is that I hope these people are not wasting their money. Forgive me; I was just ignorant then.

We can sell a piece of art for $3,000. I did ask myself if that wasn't too much money. But as time went on, I became so obsessed with art that I couldn't even do without it.


I spent two good years working in the international house, where all we do is sell arts and crafts. There is nothing you will ask me then that I will not provide answers to.

After two years, I needed to further my education, which I did, and that was what made me leave the international house.
I couldn't get to see art for so many years. But a few months ago, I was in my state when I went home to pay a visitation to my family, and I saw an advertisement for an art gallery online. I couldn't help but visit. I called a friend of mine so I would not get lost in the middle of the state.


My friend could not resist either, and thank goodness she's also on Hive. I called her and told her we should visit the place together. Funny enough, none of us know exactly where the art gallery is located. But then Google Maps came to our rescue on that day.

We got there and paid for the entry fee, and yes, the entry fee is not up to the $5 that we both paid. After which we did. We were able to see so many beautiful works of art on that day.

I got to see one that caught my attention. I forgot the name of the art, but it was sold at the rate of $7,000 I wish I could afford it because I love what I see.
We spent a lot of hours there and took enough pictures. We went home so late in the night. Thank goodness that the owner of the place knows.

After spending a couple of hours together, we later went home, but I must say that it's worth looking at.

The arts are more beautiful than what we just see with our eyes, if only you could see someone to interpret all their meaning for you. Then you will know the real value of the arts.

All images are mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I like all of the art you showed in your photos! It's so nice to be able to appreciate art and find somewhere that you can spend some time to look at inspiriting artwork!

All of these arts are extremely beautiful.

I like that tricycle alot,nice one.