For every thought, there's always a song to buttress it...

in Q Inspired-by-Musiclast month (edited)

How could it have been having hours run by without good musics?
Sometimes I just can't imagine how people who doesn't love music enjoy their day because for me, joy comes from two things in life which are; good musics and others.

Today, I woke up and quickly had a rethink on all that have been going on in our country Nigeria and what came to my mind immediately was a song titled, Heya by Brymo.

Brymo is a Nigerian singer and song writer whose musical history speaks volume of how good he is.... He specialises in making songs that touches the soul and most of his songs could be classified under the Blues' genre type of songs.

In the current state of my country,Nigeria where things are just done anyhow and people keep suffering mostly from poor government and negligence on the citizens part, this song was an apt definition of oue problem and current situation.

What inspired me to make this post was a scene I witnessed few moments ago while I was coming back from school coupled with the thoughts that came to my mind earlier this morning...

Two private cars were facing each other heads on, it was a quick glance so I can't say for sure who was at fault but then, the bone of contention was that the first driver has refused to clear the way for the second driver to pass and vice versa, so instead of allowing the other to pass before he does, they both chosed to cause a havoc this hot afternoon causing a lot of traffic jam along the road and guess what?


People are just watching them and looking for alternatives to pass through allowing them to have a take at themselves and go whenever they get tired... Who knows if they're still there even as I write, scoffs

This is the kind of thing that happens everyday in most of our lives and the song Heya said it all just with the first stanza...

Everybody say them dey go their way
But I notice say, say we dey block each other way
Lai lai, you no go hear the people say
Say na our ignorance dey make life hard

That's it! Yes, our government isn't trying enough with some of the laws they make because some of them haunts us and targets our source of living just like the ban they placed on Binance cryptocurrency application but then, asides the government not doing their part, we also don't do our part sometimes.

Will the government come and settle this minor dispute that has caused this traffic this afternoon for us too?

Atimes, we are the roots of our problems but we are always quick to point fingers at others.

Back to the song...

The song is one of the best out there as regards to the message it passes across coupled with the wonderful rhythm and vocalisation that comes with it...

The song reminds us that we could actually be better only if we wants to... There's no rocket science about it and there's no hard way to get it done other that doing to another exactly that which you would like them to do to you..

Stop pointing fingers at others, rather,

Get better,
Help another,
And watch the world get amazing.

Thanks for reading and habe a nice day


Poor governance and nonchalant attitude of the citizens have thrown people in this country into untold hardship and suffering. Hopefully one day we will realise our errors and recover.

Hopefully, someday it will get better

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It's a whole lot going on here in Nigeria brother. Everyone is living for themselves. yeah! It's that hard. We'll all get through this, someday perhaps.

The song was really touching. I guess I'll check up some of brymo's songs. Nice ✨

Yep, it's the problem down here... Things get better when we consider our fellow humans in our doings not when we work against eachother
Thanks for reading and commenting

Brymo always on point 🤏

This song has an IMPORTANT message ... we need this! Thank you for sharing!

You're welcome