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in Q Inspired-by-Music โ€ข 28 days ago (edited)

Every Day A Different Story (29).gif

Dearly Beloved,

We are gathered here today for I found us another compelling scripture.

An old one again this time, because I know some of you might have been put off by my flirting with that Satanic philosophy last couple of weeks.

But all is fair in love & war, and in the curiosity of the spotless open mind.

But letยดs get over ourselves, because my spotless mind is intrigued by war this week.

The War in Heaven, I know I touched on it before briefly, and if you know me you know that my favorite movies (The Prophecy I, II, and III) are about this delicate subject.

Now itยดs mentioned in Revelations, but I found us a better book. A scroll dedicated to this War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness.

And I canยดt wait to dive into the details of this apocalyptic battle.

The War Scroll - Apocalyptic War Against Belial and the Sons of Darkness

Michael, everyone's favorite Archangel, although I prefer Gabriel, is not battling Lucifer???

Nope for real, in this fight the antagonist is not Lucifer The Lightbringer.
In this apocalyptic battle Micheal, which resembles the War in Heaven from Revelations, will be fighting a Demon called Belial.

Keep in mind that the War Scroll and Revelations come from different backgrounds. The Book of Revelations has been rewritten thousands of times over the last 2000 years, but the War Scroll has not.
This might very well be the same war with a slightly different cast.


The first & final Apocalyptic War
This could have been a movie script, oh yeah it is. But this scroll set the stage for so many movies in our time that one might think that the Marvel Universe is the reincarnation of this War Scroll.

I think Michael does not need an introduction but who was Belial and why does his name sound so much like Baal?

"Belial" (ื‘ึฐืœึดื™ึทึผืขึทืœ)
His name means "worthless" or "wicked." He is often portrayed as a personification of evil, a demonic figure associated with lawlessness, rebellion, and immorality. I guess nowadays he would be Loki, which makes sense because Michael always did make me think of Thor.


"Baal" (ื‘ึทึผืขึทืœ) which means "lord" or "master," is a deity, and has nothing to do with this war but I prefer to check these suspicions, you never know.

What I love again about this text is how it comes close to my belief in a well-balanced universe, where two forces are trying to keep the balance of power, the neverending equilibrium of things.


But how to translate that universal Yin Yang feeling into something tangible for the plebs?
Turn it into a story that fits their beliefs and imagination, just like Marvel does.

And so whoever wrote that scroll did:
The scroll begins, it describes the divine origins of the conflict, portraying it as a cosmic struggle between the forces of light and darkness (the universal equilibrium).

Then it introduces the characters in this epic final battle. There are angelic beings, but also human warriors. And there is a plan, there are clear instructions on how angels and men should organize themselves in preparation for The Sons Of Darkness.

Now that sounds like The A-Team, or Magyver prepping the battlefield. That always was my favorite part of each episode when all the traps were set and we did not see how they would spring upon our common enemy.

Good Over Evil

We all grew up with the idea that good in the end triumphs over evil. But looking at the molesting and torturing world today I wonder if that was ever true.

I wonder how much pain humans have gone through to cause each other so much grief, and maybe itยดs the lack of pain. The lack of empathy that allows so many to discard basic humanity on behalf of greed and desire. Maybe itยดs the instant gratification society that they have been shown all their life, causing them to not see the impact of their actions. Or maybe they have been blinded by the darkness and in need of divine intervention in any shape or form.

Because that is what made the difference in that apocalyptic battle because the equilibrium is universal both sides will keep battling unless something happens. In the War Scroll,, this something is the Divine Intervention.
Again, remind yourself there was no cinema back then and the author needed something to break this stalemate.

And Oops there he was, all of a sudden after thousands of years he joined the battle on behalf of the Sons of Light.

God decides he will fight alongside the righteous, empowering them with strength and delivering them from their enemies. Divine signs and wonders are depicted as accompanying the Sons of Light into battle, inspiring fear and confusion among their adversaries.

The Divine Intervention

The War Scroll describes various divine signs and wonders that accompany the Sons of Light into battle, inspiring fear and confusion among their adversaries. These signs and wonders are manifestations of divine intervention and are intended to demonstrate God's power and support for the righteous.


As in any good battle script flashes of fire and lightning illuminate the battlefield, symbolizing God's presence and divine favor. These (super)natural phenomena instilled awe and terror in the hearts of humans back in those days, so they expected the same impact on the enemy forces.

Then the camera turns and according to the War Scroll, the sound of thunder roaring accompanies the Sons of Light into battle. The deafening noise serves to disorient and demoralize the Sons of Darkness, this was meant as the first signal of the imminent victory of the righteous.

A bit of thunder and lightning does wonders but itยดs not enough for a box office hit and so we see our Hero Michael with other angels and heavenly beings at his side participating in the battle alongside the Sons of Light.

These celestial allies fight on the side of the righteous and have Thor-like abilities to strike down their enemies with their supernatural strength and prowess.

Trust me I am not making this up, this is really in that scroll, well except the Thor part maybe.


The Epic Battle

The Sons of Light are humans, and therefore mortal, even with the angelics at their side they risk dying, which would likely increase the age rating hence the sons of man are being shielded and protected by God's divine presence during the battle.

That of course would make it too childish and as God can not be everywhere at the same time, we see that daily, they introduce: Miraculous Healings,

Again, I know you think I am dreaming this up but have a look yourself. That War Scroll truly mentions miraculous healings and interventions among the ranks of the Sons of Light, providing them with strength and resilience in the face of adversity.

That is the ultimate divine intervention which serves as a testimony to God's power, and how he stands shoulder-to-shoulder with his chosen people. And yes, that image also looks amazing on the merchandising.

Bikini Bottom Line

With the help of God, the Sons of Light defeat God's chief adversary. Belial throughout the scroll tries to lead them astray from the path of righteousness. Belial is the primary antagonist in this cosmic conflict between good and evil.

Belial and his followers are masters of deception with cunning tactics to deceive and mislead the righteous.

What I miss is that the scroll is clear that Belial and his Dark Sons promote falsehoods and deceit, but does not mention any specific examples.

The closest thing to an example is found in an excerpt from the War Scroll (Column II, lines 1-2) that speaks about Belial and his followers:

"For God has established the spirits of truth and deceit in the lot of man, and a great Angel of Darkness, ruling over all the sons of wickedness."

I had to dig beyond this scroll to get a bit more dirt on Belial, and I found it in the Testament of Levi" (1:19-20) that speaks about Belial's deceit:

"Beware, therefore, my children, of every spirit of Belial, for he works wickedness by the will of the wicked Satan, and he sets up stumbling-blocks before the feet of them that serve him. He makes the understanding of the mind to err, and darkens the eyes of the soul, and leads to death those that walk in his paths."

So maybe Levi has more to offer than just jeans, I will dive into him next.

But in the end, this scroll emphasizes the importance of spiritual purity and divine intervention in achieving victory over the enemy. And if you ask me itยดs an earthly representation of the cosmic conflict and mankind's hope for ultimate victory over the forces of darkness through divine intervention and righteous warfare.

I say mankind's hope because mankind cannot imagine that this balance is eternal.


Unequiped to comprehend that this equilibrium is meant to be kept as is, and that divine intervention is pure hopium for the human brain that wants to believe that one day there will be an end to all suffering.

Maybe, just maybe mankind is right....maybe just maybe one day there will be Divine Intervention. But I am 99.99% sure itยดs not going to look like anything anyone ever expected.

Previous Sunday School Sessions

My Musical Sunday School Sessions - ๐•ญ๐–Š๐–‹๐–”๐–—๐–Š ๐•ด ๐•ฟ๐–”๐–š๐–ˆ๐– ๐•ฟ๐–๐–Š ๐•ฏ๐–Š๐–›๐–Ž๐–‘
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - ๐–๐š๐ฌ ๐‰๐ž๐ฌ๐ฎ๐ฌ ๐๐จ๐ซ๐ง ๐Ž๐ง ๐‚๐ก๐ซ๐ข๐ฌ๐ญ๐ฆ๐š๐ฌ ๐ƒ๐š๐ฒ?
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - The Secret Book of John (The Apostle) Part 2 (The Apple)
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Funny Looking Angels
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Thomas Told US Not To Look But To See
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - Hail Mary The Harlot
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "LetยดsTalk About Sin Baby"
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "Know Thy Enemy (Whatยดs The Satanic Bible Really About)"
My Musical Sunday School Sessions - "The 20 Commandments from the Satanic Bible"

Soundtrack Of The Book of Revelations

My Book of Revelations Soundtrack - Part 1 - The Ladies of Revelation
My Book of Revelations Soundtrack - Part 2 - The Biblical Bad Guys
My Book of Revelations Soundtrack - Part 3 - The Bad Guy That Goes By Many Names

Thank goodness you made it till the end Pees, Love and I am out of here!

[Source Pic](All by MyI & AI)

Disclaimer One: The texts I use for these sessions are real, although like many scholars my ignorance and arrogance might cause me to misinterpret things, or explain things from my limited perspective. I therefore appreciate all critical feedback.

Disclaimer Two: I think everyone has a right to believe, and a right to disagree. I try to take a light philosophical approach and add some humor. If you're offended please check yourself, because being offended by something written by a simpleton as WhyWhy is a signal that you might have bigger issues.

#SundaySchool #ModernReligion #Angelsanddemons #WarScroll #artandmusic #Biblereviewed #Ibelievebutnotinyourgod #Ibelieve #Ibelievesomethingelse

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all is fair in love & war

One of my favorite quotes ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿฅฐ

I just finished reading this post, and I have to say, you've really outdone yourself this time. Who knew that ancient scrolls could be so entertaining?

First of all, I have to give you due respect for your impeccable taste in movies. The Prophecy trilogy? It's an absolute classics. I always knew we were kindred spirits when it came to our love for apocalyptic battles and celestial drama.

And you're right, Michael does have a bit of a Thor-like vibe to him. I can just picture him wielding his mighty hammer (or, you know, flaming sword) and taking down the forces of darkness.

Now, this whole Belial character is a piece of work. I mean, the guy's name literally means "worthless" or "wicked." This is looks more like setting the bar high for villainy.

nd the way you connected him to Loki and the whole deception angle? I think it's brilliant. I was busy imagining Belial sitting there, touching his beards and plotting his next devious scheme.

But you know what really got me hooked? The whole divine intervention thing. It was a plot twist. Just when you think the Sons of Light are doomed, in swoops God with his lightning bolts and heavenly reinforcements. It felts like something that came straight out of a Marvel movie, but this time had a biblical twist. I love it.

And your thoughts on the eternal balance of good and evil? Dude, you're really making me think here. Is there ever truly going to be a "final" victory, or is this cosmic tug-of-war destined to go on forever? It's enough to make a my head spin, but in the best possible way.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but I don't want to lengthen the conversation. Just know that I'm thoroughly impressed, as always, with your ability to take these ancient texts and weave them into a amazing and thought provoking posts that speaks to my mind. Keep up the great work.

Itยดs so awesome to get these type of comments on an article I really enjoy creating and we are indeed very often on the same spiritual page. It makes this work just so much more fun.

And itยดs fun, I love doing these deep dives and seeing where fact and fantasy take me, because it often turns out to end up at least on a thought-provoking level and that is a gift on any given Sunday, at least that is how I see it,

Huge Thanks and !PIZZA


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