
Hey @whywhy, I couldn't help but laugh as I read your post. You always have a way with words, even when you're talking about getting lost in the forest while under the influence of mind-altering substances.

And don't worry, I am not going to judge you for getting in the car with those grey-haired pensionados. After all, you are right, as kid the way we imagined kidnappers had nothing to do with kind old and grey haired individuals.

But seriously, I hear you on the whole "living in the moment" thing. As kids, we didn't have a care in the world, and now we're all bogged down with responsibilities and worries. But, at least you're not having a midlife crisis...oh wait, maybe you are having one at the moment...never mind. Just kidding 😂

Believe me, it sounds like you're at a turning point in your life. You've paid off your debts, and you're starting to think about what comes next. And who knows, maybe you'll find a way to combine that kid and adult perspective and truly enjoy the moment without worrying about all the risks and costs.

Anyway, thanks for the laughs and the memories. I am also grateful to @mipiano for giving us this community to relieve memories we thought we had forgotten.

Happy Sunday to you @whywhy 🥰

OMG I am lost for words by this comment.
And I think you re spot on regarding every remark, which means my story made some kind of sense !LOLZ

I smiled several time reading it twice thanks and have a lovely Sunday !PIMP

Lol... Of course, your post made a lot of sense. It always does. I am always looking forward to them when I visit the community on Sundays 🥰🥰

I am happy I made you smile. Have a lovely Sunday too 💖

You must be killin' it out here!
@whywhy just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @iskawrites.
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Did anyone hear the rumor about butter?
Don’t worry I won’t spread it.

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So glad that my young man's activities made you remember these memories and made you reflect on the difference in how we see things as kids and as adults. Not sure if it is a midlife crisis that you mention, I think it is just a normal desire we all have sometimes, for some moments. Your son is on the other side of the ocean and kind of grown up, like mine too. That is indeed a good thing (unless we want to hug them or advice haha), a very positive side of being a young parent. They can be responsible for themselves and we are still not that old to enjoy life haha

Oh, that forest and substances thingy... hmm, good you also arrived home at that moment haha.

Son arrived home a few hours ago - so an update will come, when I send Miss Migraine to a forest and leave her there, without any map to get back to me 😔 {am in survival mode for days}

Miss Migraine

Sounds so familiar take care and hug him you never know how long he will stay this time

Yay! 🤗
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