My Actifit Report Card: March 27 2023 - Young Sheldon Preview With Paige and Missy

in Actifitlast year (edited)

I've become a fanboy of Young Sheldon lately. Sheldon Cooper is a main character on The Big Bang Theory. He is eccentric, quirky and brilliant but with no sense of social skills. TBBT became a huge hit and they made a prequel about Sheldon as a kid. He has an interesting family and school life!

I've binged on past episodes and I'm all caught up. Last episode ended with Sheldon's twin sister Missy stealing her father's truck. She is just 13! Missy has been feeling neglected so she is acting out. Apparently she picks up Paige because we see her in the truck in this preview of the newest episode that I will surely be watching this Thursday night!


was an apparently short walk since the number tells the tale. Not much other activity either. Tomorrow I plan to lift the weights again. Gotta pump iron, summer is coming!


I just wrote this advice on leveling up quickly in @metarobots in the Public Shoutbox. You can't lose, but you can come out ahead in GAME tokens, AND you will get XP points towards your next level.
Try it!

MetaRobots Level Up Strategy

Have a nice day!


This report was published via Actifit app (Android | iOS). Check out the original version here on

Daily Activity, Walking


I haven't tried metarobots yet because I've been busy the past days. I'll check on it later.


I really appreciate the advice and thanks for sharing it and got the movie it's pretty cool to watch.

TBBT has 12 seasons since 2007 which season you are watching right now? Is this a television channel or Netflix or YouTube? Where I can find it? Sounds interesting. Recently I'm watching a sitcom that based on sci-fi where a common man create a robot as his secret project I watch that because they make a lots of fun and sometime I laugh out loud.

We are again on same activity number and it 5k. Sounds your metarobot project is rocking. Wish you success on your good projects. Good night!

TBBT is on Netflix and HBO Max I believe. Young Sheldon is on CBS and TBS TV.

I'd like to know more about the robot sitcom you mentioned, since I do like robots, as you can tell by my metarobots project :)

Ok I'll tell you in details there in metarobots PM when I'll be active there. Thanks for sharing more information about TBBT and young sheldon, also showing interest to the sitcom I watch.

Enjoy life, have fun!

Learned about MetaRobots and liked it. Go ahead and improve

Thanks for sharing information about MetaRobots It is good to know about it.

What are you thoughts about the big bang theory ?

The TV show or the body of scientific knowledge that models the earliest moments of the universe?

I like the show but I haven't taken the time to watch very many episodes. It seems to devolve into a lower level of comedy and societal references than the Young Sheldon series which I think deals with a bit more high level complex topics.

The scientific theory seems to account for the experimental data and explains how the universe expanded from a hot dense state. It does not say anything about how the hot dense state got here. It doesn't say that it came from "nothing" which is a common misconception used by apologists like William Lane Craig who wants there to be someone outside of space and time who created the universe out of nothing. Maybe that was what happened but really we do not know the answer to where the hot dense state came from, yet. "I don't know" is often the correct answer to a complex question, and it can inspire the scientists and thinkers of tomorrow to undertake the experiments necessary to know what we now do not know.

thank you so much for sharing an interesting video, have a nice day

Hive Candy To The World 🚀🚀

Thanks for sharing the advice about MetaRobots and gradually the level of fun is going up.

Whenever you level up, EdMerc plays a bit better cards in the Battle Cards game, so that gets more challenging. I have a lot of plans for MetaRobots so hopefully it will get better and better! Thanks for visiting the game and I'm glad you enjoy it! :)
