Taking A Minute...

in The MINIMALISTlast month

Before writing this, I had to figure out what slow living really meant. And it turns out that I had a disconcerted view of what it was. Or I may not exactly call it disconcerted but not enough knowledge of what it entailed.

For someone who is struggling and trying to get out of being a procrastinator, I kept feeling like, “Isn’t this just an excuse to be lazy?” or not putting in enough work as I should? Doesn’t it mean I can afford to take things for granted and believe that everything will fall into place so I can afford to relax?

I was enlightened to see that slow living has absolutely nothing to do with any of these. It was beautiful seeing the few ways I’ve applied slow-living into my life and how well it worked for me, even though I didn’t know that I was slow-living then.

The first thing I understood and even unconsciously applied when it comes to slow living is Being intentional and enjoying every moment. Slow living doesn’t mean being lazy. It means for those two hours you set aside for hair treatment or self-care, you revel in the moment. You bask in it and enjoy every second as you show love to yourself. It means that for that one hour you set out from your schedule to talk to family and loved ones, you remain in that moment. Not letting your mind wander but enjoying each minute spent because it’s what you’ve set out time to do.

Slow living means being Mindful. Of the sights, the sounds, the moments and the sensations around you. I’d been sitting by my dorm’s balcony sometime this evening when I took out my earpods and paid attention to the fact that there was a gale outside. And it came with a song. It’s something I’ve noticed several times. The sound of the wind. It’s like a song. Sometimes mournful. Sometimes sweet. But full of soul. I’ve talked about it once with my friends and they looked at me weirdly so I thought that maybe I imagined it.

But I’ve heard it more times to know that it’s real. The sweet song of the wind as it passes. I realized how the raging emotions in my heart calmed. Paying attention to the sounds and being attuned to the sensations around me. At that moment I wasn’t worried about my present or my future, which is something I find myself worrying a lot about these days. I was dwelling in the moment. And it was wonderful.

Slow living means a Physical and Mental Declutter. I did a little decluttering in my room about a week ago. My dorm room isn’t big but it’s astounding the way clutter could creep in, even in small spaces. I decluttered my physical space and by doing that, mentally decluttered as well. I’m by no means a neat freak but I love the satisfaction that comes with decluttering, rearranging and putting things in place. Because I get to liberate my mind and my world seems clearer. I’m able to focus and everything feels like it’s falling into place.

And finally, slow living means actually Slowing Down. In every sense of the word. I’d been having this feeling once that twenty hours isn’t enough for me and came to understand that it’s just because of poor time management. I felt like there was too much to do and this made me constantly hurry, worry and live life like the worst would happen if I didn’t move fast.

Slow living has taught me to take well-needed breaks. So pausing to read a book, take a leisurely walk, admire the sunset, and even talk to a loved one instead of rushing through tasks has proven more than resourceful. It has made me have a deep appreciation of nature. Pausing to build meaningful connections. Taking time out to appreciate the world around me.

As a youth, it feels like there’s a lot of pressure to achieve so many things all at once. We’re seeing our mates living the life on social media so when we try to pause, the thought comes that we’re being lazy and wasting our lives instead of using that time to keep working. I take slow-living as hibernating without actually doing so. A power nap, if you will. Recharging so that when you face the world again, you’re ready for it. Your focus is apt. And it all feels clear.

The beautiful thing about slow living is that it costs nothing except a willingness to just be. And it took me to a mental and physical collapse to know just what I was missing out on. Peaceful body. Peaceful mind. Peaceful life.


Images are mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


A bitter truth many people won't admit is the fact that we won't be here forever and it's so complicated that we don't even know when.

What happens after hitting life acceleration mode for long and suddenly the end comes? Slow living has nothing to do with laziness and it's just about prioritizing self-care, our being and things that matters aside from keeping up with the world speed.

Yeah to me, slow living, is when you really get to experience life, when you allow yourself to feel. It's not easy and yes it's challenging, but it also brings you the greatest rewards. It keeps you connected.
Hope you are keeping well @jhymi xxx

I am doing well, friend. Thank you for this heartwarming comment and I know it's a subject that truly resonates with you as I've always appreciated how wholly you embrace the gift of life. Hope you're okay, as well.❤️

Good to see that I'm not alone in being hard on myself when I feel like things are moving slowly because I am procrastinating about getting them done.

So there is a term for it 🤔- it's slow living when we give ourselves a break from worrying about getting more tasks done in a day and live in the moment.

I guess one just needs to know when to draw the line between being lazy, procrastinating, and adapting to a quality life through slow living. I am for slow living life! 😊

That's exactly it. Knowing the line between them. Finding a balance so that in your bid to live right, you don't become indolent and miss out on opportunities.

I hope you find it easier from now on, dear. Let's keep giving it out best.🥰

Let's keep giving it out best.🥰

Oh yes, that's the best way to go with this life thing! 😊💕

Beautifully written, Tessie. Just beautiful!

Thank you, Zee.🥰

Life is really short and the least we could do for ourselves is to live in the moment and make sure to enjoy every bit of it.

I used to be someone who just sits throughout the whole crazy only to later realize I should have had so much fun in that moment.

Live in the moment, darling. That should be our new motto!🥰

New motto sounds funny.😂😂

I source for self care, my sis pinpointed this to me yesterday evening. Why don't you take yourself out and eat whatever you want. As first, I was like no.

I will use that money on something valuable but then she was right. I just have to do it everytime. Once in a while is okay.

You don't have to do it every time but it's nice to take out time to do it once in a while. Treating yourself right should even be more often than that. It doesn't need to be something elaborate.✨

So thoughtful and interesting

Thank you!

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Beautifully written. I love the three ways you define slow living for your own benefit. Sometimes if you don't slow down in any of the three ways you define, life or circumstances has a way of forcing you so. Such is the case of medical conditions. You're working at a hundred miles a moment, not taking care to enjoy yourself or find peace and relax. The moment an illness hits, you're faced with recovery. You slow down and take a look around to see how you got to that place of moving slowly. Reflection sets in, and hopefully a new attitude. But I hope it doesn't take an illness like the underlying ones I have to force one to take it slow.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Take care.


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