Freckled | Rocks à La Carte - Macro Perspective || Photography

in Photography Loverslast month (edited)


Hi everybody :)

The stones featured in this catalogue were carefully selected from a wide range of rocks found on the mountainside. Together, they provide a visual representation of the various geological characteristics found in this area. Today, I'd like to introduce this randomly chosen rock from this collection, named "Freckled." :)

Let me present today’s model:
Before moving onto the result...
  • My introductory thoughts about macro photography:

The realm of macro photography is an expanse brimming with infinite opportunities and limitless imagination. It's astonishing how macros, with their capacity to craft a gorgeously blurred backdrop, can generate a plethora of images rich in contrast and texture.
Macro photography unveils intricate details often overlooked by the unaided eye. It's akin to discovering a fresh universe unfurling before the camera lens, beckoning us to delve into and cherish the intricacies of ordinary existence.

What makes macro photography so captivating is its ability to offer a new perspective on the world around us. With the right technique and vision, even the most mundane subjects can be transformed into works of art, each image telling its own unique story.
There are no limits to what can be captured. Each object becomes a potential subject, where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, where even the smallest details can evoke a feeling of surprise.

Among the various possible techniques to shoot macros, this is perhaps the most affordable and effective technique for those who have a camera with removable lens.
We can simply remove the lens and reverse the direction, and by using an inverter ring it ends up being more comfortable and facilitates the process.

Let's now move onto the result:

IMG_9983 copy.jpg

F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/125 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

IMG_9984 copy.jpg

F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/100 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/125 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

IMG_9986 copy.jpg

F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/150 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

IMG_9987 copy.jpg

F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/100 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/125 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600


F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/150 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

IMG_9991 copy.jpg

F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/100 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

IMG_9990 copy.jpg

F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/125 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

IMG_9992 copy.jpg

F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/150 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

IMG_9993 copy.jpg

F-stop: f/1 | Exposure time: 1/125 sec. | ISO speed: ISO 1600

To finish, i leave you with some considerations regarding these photo sessions:

Examining miniature subjects using macro photography unveils a compelling domain where minute details acquire significant importance. Immersion in the intricacies of these diminutive objects enables the recognition of the frequently disregarded beauty within this microenvironment. Each image preserves a transitory instance, displaying the complexity concealed within the small-scale elements of nature. Macro photography's core essence resides in its capacity to elevate commonplace subjects to remarkable levels, presenting an intimate and captivating viewpoint.

The session is closed for today.
Hope you like it :)

These photos weren't taken with a tripod

Photo by @aleister
Camera - Canon EOS 600D
Lens - EFS 18-55mm
Location - Portugal

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See you soon
Thank you for watching

Never forget
The price of anything is the amount of life you trade for it.
Time is life... value yours, make every fraction worth it.



Interesting work and reflection on macro photography. Congratulations!

I know the technique of removing the lens and reversing the direction and I can testify to the results. It takes a little patience and persistence.

Thank you for the pedagogical sharing.

P.S. Do you accept a suggestion?
Try using ISO at 100 or 200, close the diaphragm more to take advantage of more depth of field. To do this, you have to use slow speed - using a tripod may help.

It really requires a bit of patience and deep breath, mainly because of the focus :P
Thanks a lot for your suggestion, for sure i will use that setup to test different results.

I myself have been inside village but I did not see such beautiful stones there. I look forward to your post, it's a pleasure to see these stones.

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It is interesting to observe those details that are not appreciated with the naked eye, it is one of the things I like most about macro photography. Great pictures of rocks and their details!

Glad you like it, thank you :)