2 Gram Trip Report - Trip down memory lane

in Photography Lovers2 months ago


Trying out a new strain


Throughout 2024, I am planning on doing one psychedelic trip a month. Psychedelics have been shown to repair connections within the brain and help treat PTSD and other symptoms. I have done a few different trips this year and you can read about some of them here:

My 5 Gram Mushroom Trip Was Insane
2.3 gram trip report

For this trip, I tried a few new things. The first new thing I tried was a new strain of magic mushroom. My trips this year have mainly been from psychedelic infused chocolate bars. I got a few different strains of magic mushrooms this past month and I wanted try out actual fruiting body and see how those effects were.

For this trip, I went with the B+ strain. B+ is a beginner strain with very mild effects and I thought it would be the perfect strain to try making tea with. The purpose of making a tea out of the mushrooms is because it is supposed to offer a smoother ride. The come up is the worst part of a mushroom trip and making a tea is supposed to help with that. It reduces the amount of nausea, anxiety and other hard feelings that people have during the come up.

Making the tea is pretty simple. All you have to do is chop the desired amount of mushrooms and add them to some boiling water and then you let it steep for at least 20 minutes. This will pull all of the desired chemical out of the mushroom body and infuse the water with it. Then you can sift out the mushroom chunks because the actual fruiting body is what makes you nauseas because your body has a hard time digesting and processing it.

After the mushrooms have steeped in the water for 20 minutes, I removed all the chunks and then added some cacao and some honey to give the tea some better flavoring. Cacao and honey are supposed to help your body absorb the chemicals as well and help guide you into the beginning of the trip.


After about 30 minutes from drinking the tea, I started to feel the effects slowly start creeping in. They were pretty subtle which was nice. By this point, I had come to the conclusion that the tea method is sort of like cheating the come up and I will be using that method from now on. My anxiety associated with the beginning of a mushroom trip was almost non existent and I don't know if that was because I am getting used to it or if the tea really helps with the come up like they say it does.

As the effects started to appear, I just laid on my bed listening to an album by The Desert Dwellers. Their music is pretty interesting and is something sort of similar to tribal trap music. There really aren't any words and it is more supposed to make you think and feel different emotions, which is perfect for mushroom trips. I think I listened to them for about an hour before I decided I was done hiding in my room.

One thing I noticed is that this trip was extremely mild and there were almost no visuals. I was hoping for some cool fractal patterns, but I did notice that the world was breathing if I stopped and just looked at stuff. Colors were also a bit more vibrant, but other than that, there really weren't any crazy visuals like my previous trips. I was definitely feeling the effects though. The B+ strain is more of an introspective strain and I felt myself getting lost in my own thoughts every now and then, so I think at higher doses, this could be a great strain to really dive deep into your own consciousness.


The weather was nice, so my wife and I decided to head out on a walk. One really cool part of the walk was when I went into my garage and pushed the button to open my garage door. The garage was cold and dark, but as the door slid open, warm sunshine began to pour in and I could see the colors of the outside world. I remember thinking how cool that was that the cold darkness was overtaken by the warmth and light and I was presented with a colorful world. That is one thing I love about mushrooms is how they allow you to view the world and you feel so much more connected to it.

As we started our walk, I was just looking up at the trees and the sky. It was so warm and it felt so good. As we were walking, it was like my brain was going back to when I was a child and I started having so many memories of when I was little. I started to think about when my first memories began and I think they started sometime around the age of 3. I had strong memories of camping and being out in the woods playing with pine cones and sticks. I could remember the smell of the pine trees. It was pretty cool.

Later on during the walk, we saw a Chinook helicopter flying up in the sky and I was transported back to Iraq. I was flying on a Chinook from one base to another and we started taking fire from underneath. As the bullets started coming up through the helicopter, I remembered how scared I was and I just started crying as we were walking. We decided to sit down so I could work through this moment.

I had just gotten back to Iraq from visiting my family and I was about 7 months into my first year there in the war. I didn't have any of my gear as I sat there with bullets flying into the helicopter and I remember feeling like this was my time to go. I remember thinking that I had just seen my wife and our son and I was going to die and never see them again. Luckily we made it back to our base without any further attacks. I had never really opened up to my wife about this incident or the details around it, but during this trip, I was able to.


We sat in the grass for a while and just talked more about life and I just watched the clouds go by. It was really nice to just take some time and sit and watch the world go by. The rest of the day was great and we just spent it together.

Yesterday's trip didn't offer any significant insight or anything and I didn't have crazy visuals, but it is still cool to experiment with different strains and doses so that I can get more comfortable with these trips. Mushrooms are an amazing medicine and I am really looking forward to continuing these monthly trips. My memory is improving and I can remember a lot more stuff that I had subconsciously blocked out of my memory. I am also dreaming more throughout the night and getting better sleep.

Thanks for taking the time to read through these trip reports. Psychedelics have the potential to change so many lives. It is nice that the perception that people have for these substances is changing and they are beginning to see the life changing potential that they have for people.


I have been holding onto 3 syringes of B+ for years. People say they are still good because I have kept them in a cooler for the whole time.

B+ is a great strain for beginners like you say, but it is also the perfect strain for microdosing, which is why I was growing them. For harder trips, I was growing Golden teachers, which I still have some spores for that too.

My buddy has been feeding me penis envy the last few times I have tripped. That's been fun to say the least, lol.

Nice. Penis Envy is one that I want to try soon as well. I have about two grams of PE and 6 grams of Thai Dung. I think my next trip is going to be using the Thai Dung and I will do about 3.5 grams of that one. I've done three smaller trips and it's time to do one that is a bit larger.

Yeah, mine lately have all been starting with approx. 1 gram, then eating another later on, but we have been in public, so it's probably for the best to have the lighter trips, lol. I keep saying I need a big hard trip myself, but my window to be able to do that and have the house to myself is about to be closed...

That's awesome. The smaller trips are beneficial for the brain, but the trips really are a lot more fun for me at 2.5 grams and above. Hopefully you can do one of the larger ones if you want to.

The mushrooms you show look very enchanting and very beautiful


You're welcome 😉

Awesome trip report man.

I like how you document the experiences and associated thoughts, because this is a type of post-introspective work that may bring even more perspective when revisiting.

Thanks man. It was a pretty good trip. I am glad that I have been documenting these trips because I do revisit the posts and think more about the experience as a whole. It really helps to process things.

It was very interesting to read your experience with mushrooms and how powerful to read your story from Iraq, you have definitely been through some very tough shit!

I've tried mushrooms before too and since I know what it feels like, I know that at that moment you practically relived it and maybe that was beneficial because once you talk about it and share it you also release it...

I tried mushrooms when I was in college and I never had a bad experience. I did it with friends and I remember laughing a lot. Once I was in a forest thinking a lot and I remember telling a friend that I understood why we lived in three dimensions. and I explained it to them and everyone was amazed, but I don't remember it anymore hahaha

That's cool that you have tried mushrooms before. Not many people in your part of the world is able to have that type of experience. Mushrooms have done so much for me over the last couple years and they have really changed my life for the better.

That's funny about your experience and how you had this profound insight but then forgot it now. Sometimes during trips it is like the knowledge of the universe is opened up to you but it is so much that it is hard to put into words.

First, I want to say your wife is amazing. I meet many couples, and it's sad to see when a husband feels he has to hide smoking a joint from his wife. Why hide something that can't harm you, only make you feel relaxed and peaceful? I'm not sure why it's considered better to drink alcohol and be loud instead. But yes, mushrooms can bring back memories. I tried them about 15 years ago, and I remember the world around me being colorful and peaceful. I felt connected to my body and didn't have any negative feelings. I was just sitting on the grass with my closest friend, enjoying the colors of the world. But because of my epilepsy, I'm scared to try them again. I never know how my anxiety might react. Just so you know, thanks for sharing your story and memories. It's hard to open up to someone, but it's nice to have the opportunity to talk freely. You've been through a lot. Stay strong! 💪

Thank you. My wife is pretty amazing and has helped me so much throughout my life. Ya, the fact that alcohol is legal and the government actually promotes the use of it is pretty disturbing with how much pain and devastation it causes. But that is all part of their plan to destroy our minds and bodies.

I hope that you are able to do mushrooms again and have a great experience like before. If you do decide to try them again, just make sure to go slow because they can get pretty overwhelming and spike your anxiety. Thank you for taking the time to read my trip report.

Interesting trip report.. like how you detail the effects with different strains for those of us not to well versed in the subject. I imagine every once in a while it's good to just go light and chill and enjoy the experience too.

It is pretty cool testing out these different strains. The world is a pretty amazing place and it is super cool how these plants just grow in the wild and have done it for thousands of years and humans have been having these experiences for so long.

I'm gonna have to try the tea method!
I'm glad it's helping you man!

You should. It is really nice and makes the first couple hours so much easier to deal with. I can't wait to try it with a higher dose soon.

I never knew we could make tea from mushroom
It is really surprising and I’m glad I learnt that. Thanks for the trip report!

You're welcome. Thanks for checking it out.

Im kinda worries about magic shrooms and weed. I guess since im a sloppy eater and would just down several snacks. Hundreds of grams in total consisting of bread, candy and waffles.

These psychedelics that punch so hard yet only need a couple grams to take effect

Was there ever a case where you used more than the usual amount and asides from the hallucegenic effects. Was there any side effects.

But since the amount you took is so small, and the trip was to help with your sleep.

I guess its alright.

Grrrrrrrrr im not going to be doing drugs any time soon because its a time and money demanding hobby. Also because of how i have seen 1st hand the effects of Alcoholism and smoking can do to people's well being. UwU just asking because curios.