Artistic Cannabis Shots

in Photography Loverslast month


Such a cool looking plant


Cannabis is one of the coolest plants on the planet. Which makes it a lot of fun to take pictures of. To celebrate 4/20 today, I smoked some of my white widow, went on a walk, and then took some pictures of my plants.


I haven't done much photography while high, but it is a lot of fun. It allows me to look at things differently and I even change up things with my editing.


One really cool thing about this grow that I have going on is that all these strains I am growing has its own look. The leaf structure is very different and the buds will form differently as well. The colors they turn late into flower will also be pretty different.


I can't wait to see how all these plants do over the next 8 weeks or so. I should be harvesting the Northern Lights in about 5, but other two will have a few more weeks to go after that. It is going to be awesome.



Awesome shots.. I like how they are almost B&W with just a touch of color.. Nice!

Thanks man. It was fun playing around with different editing styles.

Lovely photographs. I would have love to have this awesome plant. Unfortunately I have no seed of it

Happy 420

Thank you. If you are able to have seeds mailed to you, there are a lot of places that you can buy them from.

Happy 420 day man!!! i bet you smoked a lot today hahaha

i love that last shoot, it looks so symmetrical, beautiful!

Thanks man. I actually only had a little so far today. I am not a big fan of smoking all day long. I just have some once or twice a day. Everyday is 420 for me though.

i used to smoke it only at nights to have a "Better" sleep and then when i quited it i actually realized that i didnt let me body to recover if i smoke too late at night,

it was better to do in the afternoon, that way when is bed time i wasnt high anymore

I like the dark color of the photographic captures make everything look different from the conventional color, I think that cannabis photography has become an art for all of us who grow and know that the good shots of our plants are a sign in time of the good times we spend with them and that we enjoy the good times we have.

Good cannabis photography definitely can be an art in itself. It takes a long time to grow plants that look great.

That's right, it's valuable the time we spend on cultivation to make the plants look fancy, definitely.

Cannabis is cool and people who smoke it are cool too
I love cannabis and happy 4/20 to every stoner in the world

Not only are they great shots, but those plants are healthy as can be!