Mother's Day was extra special this year

in Photography Lovers19 days ago

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So grateful for this life


Sunday was my daughter's first Mother's Day with her sweet little boy. It was also the first Mother's Day that my wife spent as a grandmother.

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My son and his girlfriend came over to visit as well. It is so cool to see the love that our son and has girlfriend have for their nephew.

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It is really cool to see how our grandson is bringing our family together and making us all closer.

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He had a blood test a couple days ago and had to get his heel pricked. He was not a fan of it, but he was so brave and didn't cry for long after it happened.

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My daughter started to cry when he got his heel pricked. It sucks seeing your kids in pain, especially at such an early stage in their life.

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It reminded me of the time that I took our son to the dentist when he was probably like 4 or 5 years old and had to get anesthesia. When he went under, his body went limp and it scared me so much that I broke down in the dentist office.

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Our daughter and her son are doing great and recovering perfectly. I can't wait to see my daughter continue her motherhood journey. She is doing amazingly already. Her little guy is the sweetest little baby ever and he is perfect in every way. I can't wait to witness the adventures that his little feet will take him on.


Such beautiful pictures and what a blessed moment to capture. Love the little feet 😍 well captured.
Congrats on becoming a grandad and your daughter is beautiful and motherhood looks good on her.
To welcome a new life to the family is precious and this baby is Lucky to have you all ❤️
Glad your daughter and son are doing well and I also have that experience of how a baby can bring us closer.

Thank you for sharing and Good luck to your daughter in her motherhood jurney.

Hugs 🤗💕🤗

Thank you. We are loving this new phase of life we are in.

I can imagine ❤️
Enjoy every minute and I wish you and your family much blessings and joy.

wonderful photos - extra special. Brings up so many memories for me too. I think I am close to becoming a great-grandfather.

Thank you. Great grandfather?? That is so cool. It will be cool to see my great grandkids soon. Congrats man.

Beautiful pictures! He’s so tiny ❤️ it’s so special to have a fresh little new human in the family.

Thank you. He is a super special little guy.

Super photos! I especially liked the black and white pictures.

Thanks. I like how they turned out as well.

I love how your grandson improved or boosted your family’s unity
I’m glad!

He is a special gift.