Africa Wedding Spoken Out In Photography

In different part of the world, the way weddings are celebrated differs from each other. Some people like a small hall celebration, some, just a open field with many decorations. There are different ways wedding are celebrated and today I will be showing you a particular way wedding is celebrated in Africa, here in Nigeria.

Yesterday was my big brother wedding. He is from the Edo tribe and he married from the Hausa tribe which means the wedding celebration will be done in two different way. Although I’m meant to be out there taking several pictures but since I’m the brother to the groom, any little inconvenience coming from any part of the event, I would be called upon.

Here are some of the beautiful pictures taken.





That’s the groom and his friends on the first picture. He was dressed in the Hausa culture attire and the lady in that beautiful grown is his new wedded wife. They look so beautiful in their attires but the tiring part was the changing of cloth because it took the wife hours to change into in dresses.


That’s the groom in his native (tribe) attire. Here are some of the pictures of the family and friends I took.














One thing I love about Nigeria weddings is the way people use the same material to design different dresses. The dresses are so beautiful and you would wonder how come people thought of styles like this.

I hope you love the picture and the dresses worn. Thanks for reading and have a great day.

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Beautiful photos. Why does the bride have a large metal ball with a ring in her hands?

😂😂I also asked the question but I was told it was a design bag

It’s a bag😂😂😂

Beautiful pictures. I must say the bride looks so pretty, and I love how the ladies sew their clothes in different styles it looks fitting. May God Almighty bless the newly wedded couple's home.

amen amen
Thanks dear
We are waiting for yours

Baba for the girls!
You're doing well.
Bring these ladies to Hive na

I’ll do that ASAP