
Ah! Yes, I was blessed to get up to my new high spot in time to watch the scenes unfold.
Glad that you liked the photos and always a pleasure to share 😊 !LOLZ
Pity that your view was blocked, but I know that at some time or another, you will also get a great view.

It was a pleasure to see these colors after a more or less gray morning - you're very welcome, my friend, and I hope that you'll see many more of these views 😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Thank you my friend, and it's our turn to have days, as the sky clouded over and tomorrow it will rain. But as you well know, other lovely days will arrive to feed my and your cameras.

Cheers and thanks.

You're welcome, Zac, it was a pleasure to see your photos.

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

Thank you also for all of your support my friend 🙏

You're so very welcome, my friend 😊

Sending !PIZZA and !LUV as always 😉

So great to have a person of your caliber as a friend 🙏

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@johannpiber denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
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