Aviation Photography "Commercial Airliners" #22

"Commercial Airliners"

Shot by Shoemanchu

Date 3-12-24

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Good morning Hive family and all the photographers lovers around the world, what I got here for you all today is some new aviation photography. A few weeks back I had dropped off a family member at the airport and I decided to do this and go to two locations to shoot birds, as well as some surfers out in the ocean. I figured since I am now getting into this aviation photography I shall do some commercial airliners and get that first trip under my belt. This is what I came up with, hope you like them and appreciate you all checking out my photography. The first shot here, the cover is my favorite of this bunch. It is Alaska airliner and to be honest not sure what model it is. It was a cloudy morning on this day but still had some good light to make some cool photos. The second shot below is a Southwest flight coming in and I just thought between the trees were so cool. I actually have more and I will probably do part two since I do have more and am showing more shots on these posts. Clouds are dark, plane is bright and the trees are dimmed, just the way I like the shot.

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This next shot is another area a bit up from the other two shots, another Alaska airliner coming in for the landing, also dark skies and dark trees sure shows a cloudy good morning.

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Here is another between the trees shot but of the Alaska Airliner coming through. Really like this shot and the clouds blue this time looking really spectacular and better than the Southwest shot in my opinion.

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This last shot here is a United Airliner a bit earlier and when it was a lot darker scene for shooting but I just like this shot here. Hard to get in the darker zones with some decent quality but here is pretty decent. Let me know what you think in the comment, love em hat em or not appealing aviation photography? I just figured switching it up and doing something I have never done before, so I think they turned out pretty good. I would probably do this again some day down in the future, for me I just want to shoot anything and everything I can. Plan in simple just shoot all day everyday if I could. Haha. Anyways thanks again, keep them shots and camera clicking, enjoy yourselves and stay blessed to all.

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Anyways appreciate everyone feedback hope you have enjoyed my shots and post today' thanks for stopping by, Have a blessed one and thank you for coming in and checking out my shot's of the day. Stay tuned and enjoy my future shots in the world of photography, thru my lens.

These are all my photos of work, aka proof of work. This post represents name image and likeness. All copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without my consent.



Great pictures! The coloring of airplanes is very suitable for the color of the sky))

Thanks, appreciate it.

Your photos seem like you are very near to the plane. Great job. @shoemanchu

Thank you, pretty close but it helps having a 100-400mm Lens.

Ah, that explains everything. Hehehe, high-end technology never failed to amuse us. @shoemanchu

I like this one because the airplane seems to pop out of the picture with that deep gray background. It is also nicely framed by the trees.


Thanks, yeah me too. I have more with different Airliners, will be on the next post down the road.

Beautiful pictures.

Thank you

Nice and cool photography

Thank you

This looks a lot like the San Diego airport, the way the planes come in so close over the buildings.