Aviation Photography "The Blue Angels" #29

"The Blue Angels Formations"

Shot by Shoemanchu

Location: Naval Air Facility El Centro California

Aircraft Model: F/A-18E Super Hornet

Date 2-24-24

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Good morning Hive family and all the photographers lovers around the world, what I got here for you all today is some more shot's I took of the Blue Angels in practice in El Centro California. Now since I am on a long vacation I only have the finished edits of trip two of the Blue Angels practice, in which I already showed all edits of the Thunderbirds but not the first practice of the Blue Angels. So here is some of those shots and one day I will finish all those edits of practice two of both the Thunderbirds and Blue Angels. I cant stress enough how this type of photography and moment that made me feel, it was beyond awesome and was so epic, I wish to continue doing the metal birds in the future but for now this is what I got on trip two. I will be throwing out some of these to mix it up here again on my blog, for I am doing so much out here that I really haven't edited much of anything. I'll say this though I have been waiting to show this picture, this is absolutely my favorite shot of all I have taken of these metal birds, with that said the cover shot above is just something else and I cant believe I captured it. The shot above, is so amazing the way that the vapor trails are doing what they are doing, its like a long circle around it in a sense by far the most amazing shot of vapor trail that I have captured and for sure this will be a printed shot one day. I really hope you are enjoying these but one thing I did miss on making a black and white one of these but regardless this has to be shared and shown to you all. Now for the second shot below is pretty dang cool too and this time around I will just be showing the shots in order as I took them so that way I don't mess up and post the same shots on the next few post that I show off here. This upside down shot though is so cool, the reflection of the number on the wing is just so cool and I am happy with this shot as well.

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Now this shot here is pretty cool as they split off doing one of their moves, now they do have names of all the moves they do but I don't know what they are called but regardless another enjoyable shot here for you all. I do have a bonus edit shot if you spot it you'll know which one it is.

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The last shot here is just another one like the above shot, its just them more splitting off of their maneuver and again just another cool shot to put here on this post. Well I do hope you all enjoyed this post, I appreciate you all stopping by today and I hope all is well with you and yours, thank you and have a blessed one.

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Anyways appreciate everyone feedback hope you have enjoyed my shots and post today' thanks for stopping by, Have a blessed one and thank you for coming in and checking out my shot's of the day. Stay tuned and enjoy my future shots in the world of photography, thru my lens.

These are all my photos of work, aka proof of work. This post represents name image and likeness. All copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without my consent.



Awesome shots. I haven’t seen the Blue Angels perform in years.

@derangedvisions Thank you appreciate it.

Greetings @shoemanchu ,

What amazing photographs...and post...You have managed to communicate the spectacular awesomesness of being there and observing the incredible skill and aircraft in the event. Well done!

Thank you.

Kind Regards,
