Music is more than the Rhythm

in AFRI-TUNES15 days ago

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Music throughout history

I remember two years ago, when I was a bit down emotionally, whenever I felt like listening to music, I would go to my music playlist and select songs that befit the moment I was on. I would select all the songs that befit the moment and listen to them and most times even update my WhatsApp update about some of the lyrics that made sense or had something to do with how I was feeling.

If there is anything I have learned it is that music is a part and way of life. Also, there is different music for different occasions, we have artists who specialize only in love songs, while some specialize in R&B, we have some also who specialize in religious songs, while some specialize in razz, gyration, and the rest.

The rhythms, and lyrics of every music have one or two things to do, they either impact one and change the way someone thinks positively, or they mare the person and the thought pattern of such a person. That is why we hear advice, especially from religious people to be watchful about what we listen to especially the "believers" because songs have a way of sipping into our souls and impacting our lives and our way of thinking either positively or negatively.

Back when I was young, the song "Love is Wicked" by Brick & Lace R&B duo was the song of the year, everyone listened, danced, and sang to that song and since I was a fan of theirs, I not only knew how to sing that song from the beginning to the end, I learned how to dance every dancing step they displayed in the video of that particular song and the last of all, the lyrics of that song stuck to my head and my subconscious Kind of registered that "Love is wicked".

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So, as I grew older I had it in my subconscious that "Love is wicked" Well it took me a while to realize that my conception of "Love is wicked" was wrong and that it was high time I erased such mindset and concentrated on healthy thought and truth about love or I was going to be wallowing and drowning in such lyrics.

It took me years of conscious working on my thought patterns and mindset to be able to erase such a definition of love because it always made me see the wrong about love, it closed my eyes to the fact that regardless of how bad most people portray and perceive love that they're are still thousands and millions of people finding and basking in genuine love.

Music right from history and generation has been a way for people to express themselves and how they feel, telling people what they are going through, and their life experiences, and putting their life challenges, happiness, and sadness, out there for people to see and get to understand and maybe not judge them as much as they would have if it was written as a story.

Music generally plays an important role in our lives more than we can imagine or think but because it is talked about like movies are and because it is underrated, we feel that it is just"song", the lyrics mean nothing, they are just words, but we get it wrong because to thousands of artist out their music is their "life story".

Thank you for reading!!!

This article is inspired by the May daily prompt initiative. Read the announcement post to join the May initiative

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