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RE: Open Standard for a HIVE Account Referral System

in #hive4 years ago

Lovin it. I am a saxophonist musician and affiliate marketing is what helps me to gain more time to focus a bit more on my main passion. I have only been using Hive for a week now although I did have a couple of months using steemit 3 years back. I see a lot has changed but moving forward.. I would love to see some kind of backed incentive for bringing people to the hive platform. I'm going be shooting a few videos and targeting a few niches and when I fully understand everything a quick video start guide. it's quite a big learning curve and it's not very easy as a total newbie to get your head into it. If it feels complicated and you have to go digging for the info to much it doesn't encourage people to stay. I love the hive community and the potential we have here. Iv'e started to wave the banner over on twitter and i'm sure I will grab a few people with my music videos and invites from 3speak. Please comment if your involved in this project and I will definatly come and follow and team up and share some promo that i'm taking action on :)