Splinterlands Battle Mage Challenge: Heavy Hitters

in #leo15 days ago

This week's Battle Mage rule set challenge was Heavy Hitters in which every monster gains the Knock Out Ability, which does double damage to stunned monsters!

Heavy Hitters general strategy....

There is one basic rule for this strategy, IF you are going to play it: play at least one stun monster!

I say 'IF' you're going to play it, because this is one of those rulesets where it's maybe worth ignoring it unless you have a nice stun monster you would usually plan anyways!

Defensively a well timed cleanse could eradicated stun and thus the double damage.

Heavy Hitters battle exemplar

The [https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_1034f1412e07ae4603b98f8e18a2f070) shows an example of how even one STUN monster can make the difference!

Mana and rulesets:

  • 28 mana
  • Heavy Hitters only

Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 21.10.17.png

Summoner - Yodin

  1. Venari Flamesmith, a nice low mana tank
  2. Chicken - snipe soak
  3. Dwarven wizad - damage 1
  4. Technow.. - stun!
  5. Centaur - snipe
  6. Gem Meteor - scattershot.

The battle...

  • round 1 - I lose my chicken, but that's what he's therefor. Stun on Tusk!
  • round 2 - so 4 damage on tusk, nice, I also blast out the radiated brute. Stun 2 on Tusk but i lost my two back cards, ouch!
  • round 3 - stun 3 on Tusk, I blast out the Tendyll Striker
  • round 4 - I take out the tank and blast out the second row, but lost my Techo
  • rounds 5/6 - it's close but I take out the final two cards, only 1 of mine left!

Final battle analysis

The main contributor to my victory was the blast damage, however Stunning Tusk 4 times was crucial to take out his attack and that extra stunned damage only hit once, but was important given how close things were!

Heavy Hitters final thoughts...

You may as well play stun!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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Great strategy bro, would definitely be effective IF 😁😁😁😁😁

Heavy hitters indeed... Hope to see you in the Ring one day 😂😂😂😂💯💯🥰

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121