Memoir Monday (Week 2)

in #memoirmonday3 months ago (edited)



/ˈmemˌwär/ noun. a record of events written by a person having intimate knowledge of them and based on personal observation. Usually memoirs. an account of one's personal life and experiences; autobiography. the published record of the proceedings of a group or organization, as of a learned society.

For those who missed the inaugural post explaining what the Memoir Monday initiative is all about you can find it here.

For those who don't want to go back and read that post, here's a quick recap:

I’m going to be posting a question/prompt every Monday for the next year encouraging anyone who wants to join in to write their own blockchain-based memoir for future generations to read.

To participate, simply answer the memoir prompt question in your own Hive post. Be sure to tag your post with #memoirmonday. In a year from now you’ll have a legitimate memoir that you can pass along to future generations of your family. This exercise will also offer a valuable glimpse into your inner self. We’ll all get to learn more about each other and, hopefully, ourselves each week.


Here’s this week’s Memoir Monday question:

What was your mom like when you were a child?

My answer:

I always tell my Mom I hit the lottery when God assigned Moms. When I think of my Mother the words that come to mind are — nurturing, kind, loving, empathetic, selfless. She absolutely excels at motherhood, even today. My brother and I were very lucky that she was able to stay home with us during our first few years of life. As the cost of living was rising in America in the early 1980’s a stay-at-home parent was already becoming a rarity in middle class families in the US. My Dad never made much money at his job but, somehow, my parents prioritized this and made it happen.

Curt and I.jpg

Our mornings consisted of breakfast, cartoons, and Captain Kangaroo. Mom would tidy up around the house in the morning. We always watched The Price Is Right during lunch, which usually consisted of Campbell’s soup and a sandwich. Afternoon was our playtime and if we were indoors my Mom typically had soap operas on television. We would also read and lay down for a short nap.

The time with spent with her before we started kindergarten was blissful and simple. She read to us a lot, every day I think. I remember the very moment I learned to read. I loved to look at the illustrations in Dr. Suess’s, “If I Ran The Circus”, this was a book Mom frequently read to me. I must’ve been three-and-a-half or maybe four years old, I don’t think my brother was born yet when something spectacular happened. One night my Dad was in the shower after work and my Mom was making dinner and I opened the book and it was just like someone flipped a switch and I could read it! I was ecstatic.


Even after all these years I still remember so much of my young childhood and when I do it makes me smile. Walks to Young’s, the neighborhood grocery store or local convenience store on Main Street, Lawson’s. Sometimes she would just put me in an old wagon and pull me around the neighborhood to take in the landscape, birds and squirrels and the colors during the changing seasons. She made us notice the little things and appreciate how important they really are. This one thing has made my adult life immensely more enjoyable.

More than anything my Mom has helped to provide my brother and I with such a solid foundation to build successful lives on. My childhood was filled with security and so many simple memories of walks, playing with toys at home, being read to, car rides in downtown Columbus. We were given the freedom to make our own mistakes and our interests were unconditionally supported. As I’ve lived my life I’ve learned how rare this kind of childhood is and am beyond grateful for this gift and all of the sacrifices that were made by my parents to give it to my brother and I. I have the best Mom.

Mom and Me.jpg

Rules for Participation

  1. Please reblog this first post and share on other social platforms so we cast the widest net possible for this initiative;
  2. Pictures paint a thousand words. Include pictures in your posts if you have them;
  3. Answer each Memoir Monday prompt question in your own post. The prompt question will be published each Monday but you'll have the entire week to answer and publish your own post; and
  4. Lastly, be sure to include the tag #memoirmonday.

It's as simple as that!

At the end of this next twelve months we'll have created something immensely valuable together. It's so important to know our "whys" in life and there's no better way to do that than this.

Someday all that will be left of our existence are memories of us, our deeds, and words. It's up to you to leave as rich of a heritage as possible for future generations to learn from. So, go ahead, tell your stories. I can't wait to read them.

Enjoy the day. I want to sincerely thank all of the participants thus far. I've really enjoy reading your posts!

~Eric Vance Walton~

(All photos are original.)

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Lovely memories Eric, you have been blessed indeed! Life was so much simpler back then, and children appreciated the things our parents did for us way more than today's youth who demand material things!
I'm so glad that you have such good memories, and that you can share this blog with your Mom <3

It was so much simpler and material expectations weren't nearly as high. I can't believe how many "things" are showered on children these days. For an average birthday kids today get about 5x the amount of presents we used to receive on Christmas, I don't think they're better off because of it either. Thank you, Lizelle! I hope you're having a good week.

Oh, good sir, you had the best mom. All the things you have shared about her match the best mom personality. I have a feeling you were able to read that book because you've listened to her read it so many times, the words came to you naturally.

And when you read it, the only thing you had to do was take note of the words and how it was pronounced so you could recognize them in other books.

Cheers to your mom, for taking good care of you guys and giving you love that was unconditional.

Please, look forward to my entry. There will be no original pictures though, I apologize in adavance for this.

Thank you, Iska! I'll be watching for your entry!

How are you dear friend @ericvancewalton good morning
What a beautiful Mom you have, and what beautiful memories you have treasured. Without a doubt you have won the lottery with the Mother that you have won.
Thank you very much for sharing this emotional post.
Have a happy start to the week

Thank you @jlufer! I appreciate your participation in Memoir Monday! Have a wonderful week my friend.

You are very lucky to have a mother who is like your guardian angel, Eric. May your mother always be healthy and please make her happy while she is still alive. God bless you.

I am very lucky, Eliana! Thank you and God Bless you as well!

I always tell my Mom I hit the lottery when God assigned Moms.

This has become a popular quote(which I would be using). The best way to express your gratitude.

My childhood was filled with security and so many simple memories of walks, playing with toys at home, being read to, car rides in downtown Columbus

That is what exactly a childhood should be, which is missing at many levels in society as if childhood in its essence has become archaic.

I have the best Mom.

Indeed. You are blessed to have such a beautiful caring Mom. God bless you, your Mom, and your entire family, Sir. You have made the entire memory vivid through this Memoir.

Thank you.

Thank you very much!

It sounds like your mom is a really great lady. I was lucky enough that my mom didn't really work while we were growing up as well. That allowed my sister and I to spend a ton of time with her in the summer. She is a pretty great lady. Like that little old grandma who would never hurt a fly even before my sister made her a grandma. I remember I wouldn't go to nap when I was supposed to so mom would have to sit outside my bedroom on the floor in the hall to keep me from escaping!

She absolutely is. It sounds like you lucked out in the Mom lottery too! Haha, you were an escape artist!

Yeah, I was definitely something!

Fantastic initiative! It looks like I missed the first post but I reblogged this one. I'll share your post on my Twitter / X account as I have a few followers (5K) mostly from the business realm who definitely need a bit of soul nourishment.

She made us notice the little things and appreciate how important they really are. This one thing has made my adult life immensely more enjoyable.

This is a golden nugget of wisdom! Such a precious life lesson.

Thank you Krisz! I appreciate your support. Being satisfied with and seeking simplicity has made my life experience infinitely richer, this skill has also gotten me through some tough times.

It seems the moms of that generation were almost the same including my mum. However, today children are not lucky as much as us because both dad and mom have to work to family's living.

It sounds like you were lucky too! You're right. Those early childhood years are so very vital for a person's development. I think a lot of the changes we see in the younger generations are a result of the social changes brought about by our higher cost of living. Some day care providers can give similar support and education but that kind of quality day care costs as much or more as one person's salary here in the U.S.

I would love to participate in this initiative because i have a lot to write about my mother, how much helpful she was and how she teaches us to live in this world. She is no more with us, but her teaching will be with us everytime.

I hope you do participate! We only have six of us so far taking part in this. We'd like to learn more about you and your Mom. I'm sorry for your loss.

Such a beautiful words. No doubt every mother is the most beautiful person in the entire world and looks after the welfare of the whole family. She imparts moral values and ethics to us and shows the righteous path of life. I love my mother very much and pray to the Almighty to always bless her with good health and happiness.

Life is incomplete without mother. We learn everything from our mother, how to live and how to live

One of the best gift we can ever have is to have amazing parents in form of a mother and a father. You are really lucky to have your mom in your life I must truly confess. She must really hold a special place in your heart

Lovely memories and I love the initiative. It is a wonderful idea. Thank you for this and I’m in.

I also need to graze some memories