OCD's Onboarding Program Compilation #130

in #onboarding3 months ago

Hello everyone!

This is a compilation post that will serve as a summary and status of the onboarding program. For those who are late to the party, OCD's onboarding program aims to bring more users to Hive and retain those users through the curation of posts submitted by the onboarders.

Anyone who's active in Hive is invited to apply as an OCD onboarder. Please see the details of the application process at the end of this post.

Who Onboarded Whom

@soy-laloreto onboarded @maholiramosc

Acompáñame en este viaje llamado vida.

I am Maholi Ramos, a Venezuelan woman and mother. I was born in Vargas. I am 35 years old. I am a loving and patient person, but also with a lot of strength and determination. I have a wonderful family that I consider my great treasure. My mother is my great support, my father my knight in shining armor, my brother my soul mate, my son is the light of my day and my pets my daily adventure.

@suteru onboarded @jhe.zang

Introduction Post - Getting Out of My Comfort Zone : A New World of Possibilities

Hello I'm @jhe.zang a newbie in this platform. I am not really good in writing, but I will try my best and I hope that by joining here I can improve it and learn from you guys. Before I continue my self-introduction, I want to thank @suteru who introduce me this platform, he's been a long time member here on hive.

@edmundochauran onboarded @rafastyle

Hola 👋🏻 Bienvenidos a mi pequeña guarida de aventuras ✨

It was always a bit difficult for me to make an introduction about myself, what I'm like, what I do, who I want to be and above all, who I am 🤔 Question that many often ask themselves to try to make sense of everything they do.... 🫗 Based on the outside, I am Hosman, I am 21 years old, I live in the city of Cumana, my parents Amabelys and Hernán, my little sister Hosbelys...

@jeannmazing onboarded @layyy21

A Newbie's Life Waves: From Sleepless Nights to Bright Horizons

Hello everyone! I am layyy21, a newbie here at Hive. It is such an honor to be part of this platform. I am glad to be here to get along with you, share stories and experiences from my life, and read and learn from your different stories. I am hoping that we will build strong connections, bonds, and support for each other.

@intoy.bugoy onboarded @ella-bella

My Writing Odyssey

Fabulous Day, Hivers! Hope y'll doing well! First, I would like to thank you all for putting your spare time reading my first blog. It may be far from perfect but I hope you find it interesting. Today, I come to realize that the saying "First steps are always the hardest" is true. To be honest I don't see myself coming to this point. Hence, as time goes by I realize there are a lot of thoughts in my mind that I would like to share through writing.

@intoy.bugoy onboarded @haruki.tls123

A Little Exploration To My Big Life

Hello, everyone! My name is Christian Joy Soreño Anobling, and I am thrilled to share a glimpse of my journey with you. I am currently 18 years of age and I currently reside in the vibrant City of Naga, Cebu, Philippines a place filled with warmth and community spirit. It is here, amidst the bustling streets and lush landscapes, that I have found a home surrounded by the unwavering love and support of my family.

@intoy.bugoy onboarded @itsmejaszy

A Journey to the Heart of Writing

Greetings from a newbie Hey, hey, hey! What a fantabulous day Hivers! First off, I would like to thank all of you for sparing your time here reading my very first blog. I can’t wait to share with you all the great things and the small wins that made me who and what I am today.

@intoy.bugoy onboarded @mnemosyne-shih


Hello, Hivers! Finally, I found myself here already! 😊 After how many attempts, denials, and delays, I am here already, writing my 1st piece... finding myself in this room because of life's surprises— more of a redirection.


39former onboarders266

Please take note that the stats do not reflect the current state of each onboarders as of this time because we are still catching up with this compilation post. The stats will be updated in each compilation post until it becomes up to date with the onboarding initiative.

Onboarder Application

OCD's onboarding program is conceptualized to be a powerful mechanism in attracting and retaining new content creators. Since incentives are given to active onboarders, it could be a nice income generation for those who wanted to focus more in inviting new users to Hive. For more information about this program, please refer to this post.

If you want to be an onboarder, join us in OCD's Discord Server and write your application in #onboarder-application channel. Your application must contain the following:

  1. Your Hive username.
  2. The types of users you will be inviting.
  3. The reason why you want to be part of the onboarding program.

Once you've applied, there will be a vetting process. We will check your on-chain activity to make sure that you can be trusted. Once you're in, you have the capacity to make an invite link using OCD's account creation token, invite anyone you think is a good addition to Hive with a quick and no SMS required account creation, nominate the posts of your invites through a special channel for curation, and get beneficiary rewards both from the users you've invited, posts like these and more benefits in the future!

Be warned that you are responsible for your invites. Meaning, their activity reflects on how you mentor them. Any suspicious activity of your invite can be a ground for your expulsion in the program. Make sure that before they start posting in Hive, you already oriented them on the activities to avoid such as plagiarism.

Be an onboarder now!

OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!

You can vote for @ocd-witness, with HiveSigner or on Hive Witnesses.

@ocdb supports community curation!
You can delegate to @ocdb for daily liquid hive returns from curation rewards.

Join our Discord channel for more information.


Thank you for sharing! The onboarding program sounds like a great initiative to engage and incentivize content creators on Hive.

Respect and love for everyone's extraordinary skills. Also, thank you very much for presenting us with such a wonderful curation. God is always great. The whole world is in awe of everyone's skill and the magnificence of photography.

Ocdb community is much more, what I thought about it, community of skillful ppls. Hope I'll share my skills and journey in right way ;)