Post HivePH Meetup Thoughts

in #reflectionlast month

A blog about my trip to Manila for the HivePH 2024 meetup. I just need to get this post off my to do list. Just skip this post and move on your merry way~

TL:DR about the meetup:

It was nice to see the same faces and meeting new people from the blockchain. While there were others that didn't attend due to some unforeseen circumstances, it was factored in that nothing really goes according to plan. But I learned and appreciate new things from new people which is nice~

The event was planned at the last quarter of last year so most of of it were just scribbles until the last 2 months before April. Planning what you're going to do months ahead is a life skill. I learned this was necessary if you were trading / investing in anything because the short term perspective leaves you missing the greater picture.

I browsed my phone's gallery for the pictures but none of them were IG worthy. They'll just stretch this page so pardon this blog for the lack of show. Your eyes are better off looking at the actual google map images than endure my photography skills. Just setting the mood that this blog is just a wall of text for journaling.

Manila is a nice place removing the traffic and heat from the equation. The people there probably got used to being surrounded with Philippine culture that things that were supposed to be impressionable their lost luster. I went to the Fort Santiago, saw the places that I could only imagine from textbook pictures. We could've went to some museums but these were closed for the holiday.

Reflecting on the recent events, I just confirmed what I knew and needed to hear. I lacked a dream and was just going with the flow of a comfort zone. There's a bigger world out there and maybe I'm not finding life a challenge because I've already accomplished what I needed and not even showing signs to pursue the next big thing (I don't know what that is but I'll try).

As soon as I left Manila and came back to Iloilo, I readied my workspace. In my head, I was off to some far off place 2 hours ago and now I'm back in the comforts of my room readying for the next day's grind like what happened for the past few days came from a dream. I'm just glad to be back and get more shit done since I felt unproductive while on vacation, yeah I'm missing the point of vacation but what if work made me more happy than resting?

Anyway, I spent the last moments in Manila talking to Wittyzell and Demotry for some idea generation on what to do for HivePH community. I doubt somethings will change soon but if they do, it's going to be months from now because things are planned and implemented for the long term.

I'd say the experience just reenergized my own wants to improve the community while keeping some cynicism for the community at bay. It's not all roses when it comes to community management and it's either I go hard or nothing. I initially thought it's going to be a long reflection post but I've already done a lot of thinking that it's no longer necessary to save some visual reminders on the blockchain.

There were some vexing moments to insert on this reflection post but I never really visualized those parts to be included here nor see the need to remind my future self about it.

To the future self that reads this shitpost, do better next time.

Thanks for your time.


This day is special when we go this way to meet people with whom we have been working on this platform for a long time. I must meet again.

It’s really a lot of work when it comes to managing a community so I must say kudos to you
I’d love to do that someday too but not now

What community do you have in mind?

Super late reaction again, as I’m still traveling.
I’m glad we’re able to talk some things, not really some though, there were a lot 😂
I always enjoy your company and deep talks adam.
Those stuff we talked about the community, I hope it will really be ”implemented” and make the community better than it is now. Hard to run a community, and as I’ve mentioned, the staff is also important for this success. The lead doesn’t have to do things on his own, that’s why the lead got his entire team of staff to help. Hahyy basta

To the future self that reads this shitpost, do better next time.


Hayyyy again
I wish you’ll become more ambitious and get out of the comforts of your space in Iloilo. There’s more out there. Don’t be contented yet. You’re still young, go out and explore and learn more about the world.