Seeing Double - Vrother Twincent

in #friends27 days ago (edited)

No, my title has nothing to do with alcohol or drinking too much, although it could have...

Five days ago, my vrother ( vin brother ) @vindiesel1980 and his car 'vin diesel' made it, once again, all the way to my area.

In fact, this has been the 3th house, here in Portugal, where he has been resting his ass and van, chilling with me and he was lucky enough to sneak a peek at my upcoming place, where I hope to move to around the middle of this month.

More on that in Time to move house again

In the following pictures you see the other vincent cut off some branches with some small gardening scissors
that he keeps underneath his pillow, just in case someone tries to break into his van, at night

He wanted to prevent any more scratches, as he has had to deal with a lot of damage ( as can be read in half of his posts, j/k ) and still has some deeply rooted perfectionism issues to deal with. Haven't we all?

And here's a pic of his green van, taken a bit earlier. I shot this from my twin sister's car ( you can see me taking this picture from the passenger seat, if you look closely).

Here, 'vin diesel' was following us to my new place. We were driving from the city to the countryside, after the three of us had propped my sister's car full of stuff that I had to remove from my studio ( that I am no longer renting ).

Although the weather wasn't perfect ( according to most people's standards, the views around here are always breathtaking or actually they make you breathe deeper ( breath inducing ), sunny or not

The two vins basically chilled...

enjoyed the view...

including what Vin called a 'donut cloud'

Homer Simpson would surely approve.

We enjoyed each other's company and too many snacks

but that was okay, as we were talking about life and this crazy world we are living in, always cracking jokes to compensate for the seriousness.

We noticed a rainbow, going over the road, while driving to the restaurant on our last night (for now) together:

I guess that the other Vincent has better pictures of this to share.

A speeding car honked at us, crazily, as vin stopped his diesel on the road to take some pictures. I asked him if he had turned his warning lights on. He hadn't ;<)

Unfortunately, we didn't find the pot of Bitcoin at the end of the rainbow but it helps that we are already (v)invested.

This is the two vin brothers ( vrothers ) having an overly expensive Belgian beer ( for Portuguese standards ), a favorite of both of us, before our burgers and fries.

And this was my view, an hour or two later, after Vincent had returned me to my village and driven on to his next destination, up North.

We had a good time, not doing much and that is totally fine. At least the two of us manage to listen to our body, these days and if you have the chance to chill and it's much needed, you would be a fool not to do so ;<)

Let's end this with a picture of me enjoying the contrast, chilling by myself in an easy chair, putting my feet up, after the other Vincent had left to possibly return again in July.



I still think the road with the walls got narrower on the way back. And who would expect a speeding contest at that quiet road??

Always expect the unexpected ;^)

I sensed some connection between the two of you... but didn't expect you to be brothers, well another mystery solved😁

but didn't expect you to be brothers

Haha! We're not.
It was word play but you're far from the only one thinking this :^) ( just read my comment section to learn more ).

I already started to search for similarities in your😂
well I guess a vrother is as good as a brother then😊

well I guess a vrother is as good as a brother then
It sure is :<)

It’s good to have your brother come visit you. I’m also glad you both had a nice time. You kinda look alike…

Hahaha! He is not my brother. Just a friend who is also named Vincent :^) Vrother is a word we made up that's a combo of vincent and brother because we are similar in many ways.

Nice to finally put a face to @vindiesel1980. I can’t wait to meet more hive friends, you included 🥹 it’s taking too long

I can’t wait to meet more hive friends, you included 🥹 it’s taking too long

Same here. It's about time that teleportation becomes available to the public or at least to people like us ;<)

You even have similar hairstyles XD

Sounds like a nice day all around :)

You - of all people - do get that he's a friend and not an actual brother, right? ;<)
Talking about hairstyles, I guess it's more the beard and the somewhat wild curls that makes us look a bit similar.

Nice to see you in my comment section again. I take it you have been super busy.

Sending a hug!

That was why I made the hair comment, though the actual why made sense to me at the time (and not so much now XD).

Yeh partly super busy and partly not able to logistics.

I see. I like to live by the 'slow productivity' motto, these days. My process might seem slow from the outside but it's pretty fast on the inside ;<)

I have way too many things going on for that sadly and can't drop the ones I would like to drop XD

Drop it like it's hot ;<)


Nice to see you two brothers together, stay together like this always

We are friends, not 'real' brothers haha but it sure feels like hanging out with family :^)

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Obrigado @ewkaw , I appreciate it! :<)

It must at first been terrifying to be walking along this path that has so much of a bush

Not at all. There's hardly any wild animals here, aside from some non poisonous snake and wild pigs that are only active at night and avoid humans, if they can,

sharing is caring