I am Very Worried About The Economic Situation of My Country

in Silver Bloggers25 days ago

Hi Hive friends.

The questions posed by @ericvancewalton for this week’s Memoir Monday.

[ What Do You Worry About? ]

Today's topic is very interesting, first we were children, we didn't know anything and life was passing happily, now when we are 27 years old, we know that life is very easy. No, because before we didn't watch the news, we didn't know what was going on in the whole country and what we might be worried about in the future.


It is a fact that as a person ages many things happen, a person starts to think and getting old means that one day it will happen that when we will leave this world, now there is a lot of trouble in thinking, but this is a fact. And one day this is definitely going to happen, so now today we are watching the news day and night and very bad things are going on in the news at this time because the inflation rate is increased here every other day.

And the way yesterday has created a post In which it has been told how it is being thought to impose a tax on solar energy here. Earlier, the price of petrol in our country used to be decided after a month whether to increase or decrease the price of petrol. but now they have also made this system that after 15 days it is necessary to decide how to keep the prices,

So here for the last two or three months, the price of petrol would have been increased only after 15 days. And now, the price of petrol here is one dollar, so it's a big problem because most of the people here earn 100 dollars a month, so it's impossible for them to live here now. For this reason, if we look at the record of the last six months, six lac people have left our country and gone to Dubai.


Here, if a person wants to live a good life, then he has to earn 400 dollars every month and the average salary here is one hundred dollars for a person, so it has become impossible to live a good life here. It is because the prices of things have been increased here every day, so looking at all these things, the people who are mostly the young boys here are going to Dubai, when the young boys will go to Dubai and here.

Elderly people will be sitting in the governments who neither know technology nor know about modern things, so how will this country be able to develop. Here the new generation is not being allowed to advance at all. When you go inside Dubai, the salary there is in dirhams and here the price of one dirham is 78 rupees.

But the money is good when it is converted into our currency, a person is working outside and because of that, the remaining six members of the house are living well, so that person spends all his money. The life is spent in the same way in the foreign country, in the happiness that our family is living a good life, now the budget has come here and there are many other things that are coming out in it that what is happening here now.


That those who will be employed by the government will not be given pension, it is also a fact that at this time there is not enough money in the treasury of our country to give to the people in this way, but they must have some other facilities instead. It should be given because when the age is high, there will be no pension, so how will those people live.

It happened here two days ago that the attitude of the police here is very wrong with the people here who are ordinary people who don't have any good references. They are also human beings and they must be respected. Here is the incident two days ago. In the morning when they have gone back to their home,

They have uploaded the videos on social media and told the whole incident and then in the morning all these people have gathered and gone back inside the police station and they have done a lot of good if this If you don't do this, the policemen will continue to trouble these people in the same way. The policemen have done a lot of wrong with them, they have torn their clothes and done many other wrong things,


So when all those people gathered and came to the police station in the morning, then they also made videos properly and posted them on social media. Put up and now the cops are very embarrassed and this department is doing what it is and misbehaving with poor people who are poor. Within a few days, the price of things will be increased more than what has been said and what has happened, so this thing is very wrong.

There are many people who, if they get a visa to another country, they will leave this country at the same time and go to another country because even if they work hard here, they are not getting success. People here have a lot of talent, but economic there is no job because of the bad situation and because of this we are now seeing how many thefts have started happening here every day.

The location was where we were sitting and at the same time the mobile phone was taken from the boy's hand in front of us and here the daily number of such incidents is high because people do not have bread to eat at that time.


The system of this country could have been fixed by one person, Imran Khan, but another government has come in the wrong way. Because Imran Khan is in jail. Whoever speaks the truth in the same way is put in jail and is not even given bail so that these other rulers and politicians continue to fill their pockets and disturb the people.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.


It seems like the economic situation is becoming dire everywhere, in differing degrees. We need more young people in government. The world has changed so quickly that it's left many of the older politicians completely behind.

Yeah you are right. I totally agree with you.