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RE: My Partner-in-Crime: A Cousin's Spoiling Love

Awww, I so love the closeness between you two. I never really meet any of my cousins coz they are far from us so I can't relate much. But i'm a bit jealous coz you have a close cousin, not only you treat her as cousin or family, but also your best friend. You two have a beautiful relationship and bonding. I hope it last until forever and don't let any misunderstanding or whatever break that closeness, ( ◜‿◝ )♡.


Aw thanks @ruffatotmeee, I cherish our bond too! I understand about not seeing your cousins much, distance can be tough. But hey, that makes those times you do get together even more special, right? The good thing is, close friendships can blossom anywhere, even with family. Here's to hoping you get to connect more with your cousins sometime soon!

But seriously, I never really get the chance to get close to them even one of them. The distance is really the problem, and the money too, lololol. But hope we can do a greet and meet soon. Siguro pag nanalo ako sa lotto, I'll take the initiative na and plan a reunion. Hihi

I completely understand you @ruffatotmeee. Distance and finances can definitely make it difficult to connect with family. But who knows, maybe someday down the line with a little luck, that lottery win might just happen and a reunion will become a reality☺️