Price well paid...


The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

Life is all about winning and losing, and every decision made to warrant any of them is well thought on and carried out. Being alive has already gives an edge to pay a price, either to say, "I am taking a rest today, "or, i'll need to work hard toward this and that". Whatever comes after that is the reward we get for the things we've done.

I have paid a lot of prices to get to my current state of living. Some prices drained me emotionally, and others added more value to my life. Everything I have done so far has led me to this very moment, and I can boastfully say that I am glad because it was a price well paid and dusted.

As a lady, I had so many opportunities to take certain actions and at those moments, those things were a bit tempting but knowing the kind of place I come from and the value I have laid on myself pushes my thought forward into something worth going into. While in school, I stayed in a hostel filled with big girls. They bought whatever they wanted, rocked clothes and shoes that were in vogue, and had fun partying.

And, I have been invited many times to these outings, and even had the time to even go with them, but never have I ever gone out with any of them to those places. I knew that the moment I decided to go out with them, I had decided to pay a big price that whatever happens, it'll be what I'll be willing to take and move forward to.

After many declines, they gave up and were very interested in the things I did. They wanted to know more about me and why I never for once succumbed to going with them. They tried knowing my movement, but in every trial they made, I gave them more reasons to think. They usually say that they know nothing about me, and that alone makes me happy. I was, and I am still private with my life, though I talked to them and all. Living such a life didn't give them something tangible to say about me that will hurt me.

You know how some ladies fight and they have something nasty to scream out in those moments to themselves, well they had nothing to even say about me because I didn't even give room for a fight or anything related to using verbal words. The fact that I decided to live such a life in their midst was a huge price paid until I ended with schooling. The attitude that I had deep inside of me that I nurtured from home became a habit.

I wasn't moved by what's trending and stuff like that. I was more into myself, building myself up physically, emotionally, and financially. The fact that I decided not to live a life where I'll go partying so hard that I devalue myself gave me something really precious in life. It was a sweet gem that I never even had for once thought I would ever have. It gave me a life filled with peace and where I could discuss my past life with people very close to me because it was more of an inspiration to me.

I know Nigerian parents are very strict and want the best for their children, but you'd see a lot of children doing reckless things when they get to higher institutions because they believe they are free. They take every little opportunity that comes to them without even thinking about it and at the end, you'll start hearing things like, "Admin, please hide my identity", when their past comes knocking.

Whatever we do, we pay the prices for the actions carried out, and this is why we ought to be careful. Someone who smokes and drinks heavily shouldn't expect to have good health because that's impossible. We all have to face the consequences of our actions in life.

Therefore, as a young lad or lass, thread carefully when freedom presents its claws on your face, llive a life that you'd be able to be proud of. Live a life that won't make you ashamed of your pasts. Live a good life because a moment will come when you'd wish you had.

With this, I am sharing a tune with you all from Lindsey Stirling. The song is a compilation of a bigger part of her life, the price she paid, and the reward she got from it.


Video gotten from #YouTube.

Still yours truly,

Thanks for reading and listening.

Peace be unto those who crave it and more to those who chase it away.


I am glad to hear that you have arrived at this point in your life where you wanted to be. I don't think I'm too much of a fortune teller to think that you now have other goals, nor do I think I'm too much of a fortune teller to know that with effort and perseverance you will reach them. A hug mi amiga @balikis95.

Yes, I sure will. Thanks for your kind words, I appreciate them.

 20 days ago  


Thank you 😊


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Wes & Grindan

Thank you 😊

Every thing we do in life comes with a price whether positive or negative.

Yeah, that's right