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RE: Faces for the Faceless

in Economics2 months ago

This is very interesting. I agree that there are a lot of powers that control the world. Money in its basic sense can be considered one; it makes the world go round, and whoever has a lot of it can also do a lot. Presidents/Prime Ministers/Kings are another, especially with regards to laws and the people. Big corporations can greatly affect things with their prices and marketing. Then there are the Oligarchs and the powerful that can control things from the shadow. Some consider the Rothschild as some of them.

It looks like in the end, we're just ants moving at the palm of these groups' hands.


How easily can power be taken away from a person? If it is easy to remove power, then that person never had any real power to begin with. They are pressured to please the people who can easily remove this power. Therefore, these people actually have more power.