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RE: The Family

in Economics β€’ 2 months ago

As always your charts are numerous πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

At first when I saw the title of Family, I thought I would see a moving emotional post of the spectrumecons...

My bad, I should've known better πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Families; the decline, startup and advantages is a lengthy topic in all ways.
Especially now when they are started sporadically and ending even more suddenly.
The children left behind, how they turn out and become the new generation is a sour topic.
The children who aren't left behind, yet the new unplanned family (mostly teenagers) is struggling for scraps to try and feed themselves and a child in such inflated times.

Many thoughts about a family, yet the main truth is simple.
A family should be planned, not something done on a whim or with a flimsy excuse.

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Β 2 months agoΒ Β 

There has been quite a shift in terms of how the family is prioritised. It used to be central to everyone's life. Our lives were built around our family. Family has taken a secondary role to personal pursuits. For example, career or pleasure. Sadly, those most dependent on family end up paying the price; children and the elderly.