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RE: Fitting into the Ecosystems Around Us – Part 1: Human Domination

in Economics4 months ago

I miss your opinion when it comes to certain statements. Wikipedia and scientists are not 100% true the first can be written/changed by anyone in this world and the second group gets paid to prove that it is what they want it to be.

If it comes to thumbs you forgot to mention the birds.

Since humans have a lot in common with certain birds and pigs evolution is my answer. Brains should be humans' biggest benefit but if it's not used what says it about this species? Only a few love to control the world, to interfere in each ecosystem but Mother Nature will find a way to survive just like she did before humankind existed.

For sure we are not herbivores. If that were the case veganists wouldn't lack vitamin B12 but besides of that we have different teeth, we lack the 4 stomachs and more.

Perhaps we are invented to eat the trash vultures leave behind? If we would live outside, hunt, wouldn't be so picky if it came to food, the nonsense of expiring dates and drinking water from the river (or some pool) our stomachs, intestines and immune systems would be a hundred times stronger.

There are still people on this globe who are healthy, and strong and get old without the help of drugs and fabricated food. Sounds to me like those brains we have aren't used very well. Perhaps an instinct would have got us this far too... An advantage is that we can walk on two feet and reach for the stars (plus we copy a lot of what animals do).



Wikipedia is good for somethings and not others. For straightforward information regarding dates, they are quite good. Anything a bit more contextual, not so. If in doubt check the sources at the bottom of the page.

Lack of Vitamin B12 is one of the weaknesses of a vegan diet. However, we can get it from foods such as cereals and plant-based milks that are fortified with Vitamin B12. Another option is to use supplements. Humans have this problem because we don't chew the cud or eat our own shit.

I would argue we have more in common with herbivores, but we are able to eat meat (cooked) and remain healthy. We have done so for thousands of years. Whether we live as a herbivore or an omnivore comes down to choice.

I once read in the Dutch version of Wikipedia humans have 247 teeth! 🤣

Internet is great but it's wise to search for more articles/information if you do not know the answer.

Did you notice if it comes to certain information or people the info can be completely the opposite?

How about fruit? Could we be meant to be fructovores?
In a way, we adapted to the food available but the number of people with allergies, and cancer of the stomach and intestines increased. Can be because we no longer eat what or ancestors ate in the part of the world we live in.

Thank you for the talk.