Farm Girl Vibes and My "Brutalist" Dreams

in Ladies of Hive2 months ago (edited)


Or should I say a Farm Woman? Farm Lady? Who cares? I just know I feel happy and carefree as F like a little girl these days as you can see here. :) Life's bright and sunny out here, diabolika no more? Well, this is just another chapter of my life. Another round of adventure. But a rather chill one this time. So just to give you a life update I paused my billiards / pool hobby as I've gotten very very busy lately. Basically I was just out and about looking for a tiny piece of land and doing some adult stuff (yess I mean some serious getting old stuff lol ) and guess what? I just purchased a small plot around here! This is where I'm gonna build my tiny tiny brutalist concrete bunker diabolical home soon! :)

This is probably my life's biggest milestone ever. I remember in the not so distant past when I came back to my home country with literally nothing but memories of travel, lots of trauma and a looming sense of doom. Remember some years ago when I was just living on some island wandering from one bad house with an evil rooster and crazy neighbors to another? I tried and tried everything in this lifetime and failed miserably over and over again. Chaos and diabolic cats followed me around until I've gotten used to this life of hell in this so called paradise. Back then I was working on my travel agency full time while dealing with the island crazies. I had too much time on my hands that I was always thinking and writing. Then boom, this deadly germ came upon us all of a sudden and wiped us all out. All death and misery around me and my life was filled with dark clouds. I managed to escape the island of the crazies, to start all over again, again. The deadly germ went away as if it was all but a bad dream. Now I've continued living the city life for 2 years now keeping up with the times with my Diablo my cat. Living a quiet life in this filing cabinet at the heart of the city with all the smokes and sounds. I worked and worked like everyone else here because there's really nothing else to do but to make more money, save, pay bills. Sleep and repeat.

Finally my Dad's brother decided to give me and my sister our share of inheritance after many many years. It's not that much but enough for me to get away from it all. And just settle in somewhere far from here not so warm and with some peaceful and windy vibe. So I found my place.

Life has been really hectic and yet wonderful lately I should say. And I'm grateful for all the blessings. Things are much better when you have all the things you need and when you're no longer stressed about the money and all that basic stuff. And I'm proud to say that I'm less diabolic because you know what they say, "it's easier to be a saint when you're in heaven". Yeah it took me a while to get to this emotional state though. Lots of boozing, rockbottoming, and breaking down... And yet here I am, alive and well. Ditching black and wearing some colors now.

I'm getting old but I don't care about it that much as long as I stick to my goals and work on my dreams. I've been spending a lot of time with my friends, reconnecting with all those I've disconneted from my life. Because for me, life's about sharing all these blessing, great moments and milestones with friends.

I have these plans of building my concrete bunker "Brutalist" home. It's not for everyone and that's why I love the idea and design! The plan to live a simple life is still on (not so off grid of course - I still need my wifi, swimming pool, and AC :). The goal to travel around would be much easier after I've achieved all of these since I'm gonna be building my home on this tiny plot very soon. :)

I only need a small space (because Diablo and I are very very lazy to clean) but I do need a much bigger yard! I'm gonna surround my dystopian home with lots of herb plants, Bamboo trees, Cherry Blossoms, and Lavender to ward off evil pests. And I will possibly get a big dog to guard me and protect me from the evil outside my bamboo fences. I'm gonna be that old woman with a military Belgian Malinois driving around town in my super truck raptor lol while blasting a Black Sabbath song. So yeah, if I'm gonna be that lone old crazy lady then at least I should still have that IDGF what u think look (just like my Brutalist home) and that I've finally made it lol. And I'll probably get another diabolic cat too to bring a new set chaos to my newfound quiet life.

Recently I've taken interest in these eco-brutalist house designs. I just think they are very cool. They don't conform and give a F about your opinion. So cold, isolated, and uninviting - very diabolika indeed! A perfect home for me, simple, easy to maintain, low cost and with natural colors. I've been dreaming of building my own concrete jungle with a mini lap pool. A zen villa where my very few friends can come over to drink a glass of wine or two. That's really all I need in this life. To design a life that I don't need to escape from final destination. This will be my safe haven until my dying day. Peace finally.




Glad to hear things are taking a positive turn for you. Here's to another chapter of your life.

I actually never thought I'd come to this point in my life. I look forward to more great things. :) Thank you!

I'm glad you found a place that vibes with you @diabolika and keep those evil roosters out.

keep those evil roosters out.

Yes I have more control of them now LOL. Thank you! :)

What a nice story! Recognizable fase in life. Looking forward to see the progress of the bunker.

Looking forward to see the progress of the bunker.

I will definitely post about it! :)

Wow. What a different post to what I read about your state of being a few years back. I love brutalist design. They aren't as brutal as the name suggests. They're a rock in the landscape. How cool you got an inheritance to start your dream. Glad things are going better for you and cheers to being a rad older woman blasting Black Sabbath.

Yeah I can't even believe myself - self-improvement is such a lifelong journey... I just continued to focus on my goals and dreams and my emotional being improved a lot. It has been rewarding and I got my confidence back.

and cheers to being a rad older woman blasting Black Sabbath.

Thank you! :)

Honestly very happy for you as I haven't forgotten how bad things got for you xx

Things always find a way! Ded

I am so glad to read you left all the negativity behind for a - so it looks - a happier future. What great to see you like this, happy, smiling and all. Let's agree on 'lady' ;) And the house? I know you don't care what others think of it, but I do LOVE the design! Minimalistic and super modern. Well, doesn't matter if modern or not, but I like the concrete and big ass windows. I do hope you have a plot of land with some trees around it so you can get to a similar setup as in the photograph. Add some colours and warmth inside when decorating and you'll find yourself in a fantastic new home. NJOY the new era in your life 🎶🙂

I'm glad you like this kind of design, I want something similar. I really don't need a bigger house, just a bigger yard and lap pool. Is it too much to ask? HAHA. I need have more trees and plants around. It will look like a villa. Once I have all this I'd be more free to travel around. It's nice to have home base too!

NJOY the new era in your life 🎶🙂

Thank you!!! :)

the home base is what makes me realise that I never want to sell my house unless I have a house of my own somewhere else. I like a 2nd home, somewhere away from the city, preferably in the woods, or perhaps better, at the side of the woods.

you could indeed cut the 2nd floor and create a large ground floor? if you have sufficient square feet of ground. the swimming pool seems to me a must, it's too warm where you live to not have one.

Wow 2nd home! So nice. :) Home base relieves the stress of not knowing where to go after traveling. I am even thinking of traveling to EU and US late next year or before I start building and settling in here.

I need the home to be a bit vertical to maximize small land space and also to have a balcony facing the mountain view. :)

I am thinking of something like this to fit in the small yard. Just a mini lap pool with lots of greens around :)


that looks pretty awesome!
well, let me know if you come to EU, or even better to this tiny country where I love, the cold and rainy Holland which seems to get into spring as we speak/write. at least for a few days, the weather gods are telling me.

I will surely let you know months before I go there!

And I can go anywhere EU except Germany as I met a lot of Germans I strongly disagree with HAHAHA.

Almost forgot to reply. Just moved house, once again, myself.
I am happy for you and can't wait to hear how your project develops :<)

Sending a hug

Don't worry, I moved again too. Saving money for the construction. We're perpetual movers! :D

I am happy for you and can't wait to hear how your project develops :<)

Thanks! 😊

IMO< it’s not a farm without a Jack-ass!

Luckily I don't need you to paint my house. :)

I'm sure there are goats and Iguanas around. :D


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