Deel or No Deel - this Friday! Can you win the 30K??

in Ecency3 months ago


It's time for fun again... where contestants can win up to 30,000 DREEM, by choosing the right brEEfcase!

Come on in our game room this Friday at 8 am Pacific if you'd like to have a chance to win 30,000 DREEM! hehehe

WE LOVE THIS GAME!!! It's a mixture of strategy, chance, nerve, laughter, peer pressure, and fun! And yep - greed! LOL Will greed push you too far??? Or will you make the right DEEL at the perfect time!

For those of you who need a refresher - or for those who have simply never played - here are the basics AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU READ THIS if you show up wanting to play!! Contestants who come to just "wing it" end up doing VERY poorly on the game and have super low winnings. So do yourself a favor, and get ready! hehehe

It's JUST like Deal or No Deal, on TV - so if you've seen that - you're golden!!! (Of course, we use double ee's on everything... so we only make DEELS for our game!) LOL

Our contestants this Friday:
(and will you be chosen as our 5th from the audience???)

At the start of the game, there are 26 prize amounts distributed randomly in 26 brEEfcases. The prizes range from 0.001 DREEM to 30,000 DREEM.

The contestant will choose a case, and that case will be THEIR case until the very end. It will be locked, and unable to be eliminated for the rest of the game. The contestant is HOPING that they are holding the 30,000 DREEM in that case.

At the very beginning, the contestant will be offered a DEEL by the Captain to walk away with a modest amount of DREEM. The contestant can either take the DEEL, end the game and walk away with that amount, or..... say NO DEEL!! and keep the game going, hoping that they will increase that offer by the Captain each time.

The offer is based on the AVERAGE of the amounts left in the remaining brEEfcases.

Each round, the contestant is asked to eliminated a grouping of brEEfcases. They are HOPING to get rid of all the LOW VALUE breefcases first, thus increasing the offer from the Captain to take the DEEL after every round.

If the contestant eliminates all the higher valued brEEfcases, the offer will get lower and lower from the Captain.

Yes, we have seen that offer to walk away be VERY low - lol, as low as 12 DREEM!! But that's what happens when you make the wrong DEELS and let the risk get too high!!

(As you can see above, @merit.ahama has eliminated everything but the 0.3 and the 6000! Her case is either holding 0.3 DREEM or 6000!!! But the captain's offer is 3000! Does she take it??? Does she walk away??? WHICH would you do! You THINK you know... until its YOUR deel to make! hahaha )

At the very end of the game, if you make it to the TWO final brEEfcases, it will be YOUR locked case, and the final case to eliminate.

At this point, you will be given a choice. Do you want to KEEP your original brEEfcase, and KEEP what is inside of it? OR DO YOU WANT TO SWAP it out for the last remaining brEEfcase!!! Whichever you choose to keep - reveal what's inside, and that is your winning amount!!!

@merit.ahama chose to PASS on the deel from the Captain!!!! eeeeeeek.
And when offered to keep her breefcase - or swap.... which did she do? She chose to OPEN. WHATEVER is inside - is hers! Did she make a good deel??? or....

Of course - once you win or lose - everyone is an expert!!! They all can know if you SHOULD have swapped or kept... AFTER hahahaha But it's all in fun, and the nerves are high, and the laughter is flowing!!!

If you are new, hehe don't worry!!! The audience will chime in with all the suggestions as to what they think you should do!!! And the PRIZE BOARD is listed right on the screen so you can SEE which prizes still remain. And of course, our resident DEEL expert (hehe which we call him) @dwixer is hopefully there to give you his best advice. He has a good track record of knowing when to go on, and when to quit - but.... he CAN make mistakes as he does NOT know any more than we all do! So, feel free to listen to his advice, but make the call yourself!!! He HAS been wrong a time or two! hehehe

We always have our contestants lined up for the show that day - but we also make time for choosing at least one more contestant from the audience!!! Plus, a few more bonus prizes along the way to keep everyone enjoying the whole time!

The 2 most common things we hear from contestants...

"This game is so easy, just choose a brEEfcase!!"

UNTIL it's their time to play!!! hahahahaha then it's:

"Oh my gosh guys, this is so much harder when it's your turn!"


The current record of the highest amount of DREEM won ironically was held by my husband @biggerjoe LOL. He happened to get to the FINAL two brEEfcases actually to be 22,500 and 30,000. (this is extremely rare, and I have no idea how he pulled that off! LOLOL)

The Captain offered him 26,000 to walk away - and he took the safe bet and made the DEEL.

Of course, he never wanted to keep the DREEM (though, he does like to be top 5 on the Richlist - and that would have made him so! hahaha) - so he ended up giving it away in a raffle. @nkemakonam89 won that - (she is seriously one of our luckiest dreemers! hahaha) and everyone cheered! lol

So... can YOU beat that record??? The only way is to win the 30,000 and we have YET to have anyone do that!!!

I think the entire channel will freak out when that happens hahaha!!!

No way to know unless you join in the fun for DEEEEEEEEEEL....OR NO DEEL!!!

Come on in our game room this Friday at 8 am Pacific if you'd like to have a chance to win 30,000 DREEM! hehehe

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️


once you win or lose - everyone is an expert!!!

That's always the case of life, in general. !LOLZ

I watched such game show on T.V, I never thought that I would ever get a chance to be a participant.

I am already feeling the pressure on my nerves which is doubled by the thought that the timing doesn't suit me. 🙁. Well, I would try to manage the time.🤞


I invented a new word today.

Credit: reddit
@dreemsteem, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of amberkashif

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ

hahahahhaa I know!!! seems so easy until you are in the hot seat hahaha

well if you can't make it then, I'll run it for you another time.

just we won't have the big audience lol

I will try to be there on time. Will let you know

I have been thinking lately whether to be a coward and accept the first captain offer, or allow greed make me earn higher 😂😂😂. All I am sure of now is , I know where to stop and that's enough to win that man called greed.

It's been a while and I believe it's going to be fun.

hahahahhaha it's such a crazy game! lol it really does reveal so much hahahahaha

i can't wait to have you back on Friday! lol maybe you'll be the one chosen from.the audience and we can watch you move! hahahaha

I know what you mean about grabbing that amount from the start though lolol it's so tempting to just walk away with a certain amount at the beginning.... but then .. hahahahaha

.... Hahahaha. I know..
.it's too cheap to walk away without a fight

I am counting on you on that day, please come through for nkem, haha 😂

Hahaha. Please fast for dwixer

I think I will be a coward o 😂

You'll be the first to accept defeat even before you begin. However, it could be a good choice sometimes

🤣😂🤣😂 I have a fragile heart

Ah, if your heart can't stand watching you loss money, please accept the first offer of $10 and walk away

This sounds interesting. Even if contestant is someone else I know I am going to stress out for them to beat the house :D Will surely be there to enjoy!

can't wait to see you there .hehehe it will be fun!

I'm yet to recover from that "Had I known", the game isn't for the weak hearted 😂

But it's so funnnnnnnnnn!

Oh dearie! The shock was really harsh. Get well soon 😄

Haha thank you sis 😅

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. that was a screaming hilarious day.

we were all like...NOOOOO 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Haha 😂, I can't forget that day in a hurry..I was blessed with a whopping 22,500 dreem token and couldn't contain my joy for such massive win. I was like, am I dreaming? Is this for real ? Especially when I converted to hive, haha 😂

I have never played deel or no deel but have been there to cheer the players up

I am hoping to break the record of winning 30,000 dreem whenever I will play, haha 😂 will be great and yummy 😋

Btw, Dreemie... perhaps I can join this Friday contestant to play for my December slot? Dreemer of the year remember 🤗

yes my darling! come and join!

I forgot to put your name in!!!! and I kept thinking of you too while I was writing it hahahaha

you can go first 😜

Haha 😂, I won't go first..I will watch and learn first, the game comes with lots of tension, haha 😂

I wouldn't want to be like merit 😃

HAHAHAHAHA I just busted up laughing lololol

I knew you were gonna say that hahahahaha

yes will will draw numbers to see who goes first...unless there is a brave soul who wants to leap! hahahaha

Haha 😆😂
Oh yeah
Better, lolz
But I trust Amber to be brave enough to go first, haha 😂

she is definitely brave enough hahaha but her timezone brings the problem hahaha

we will see lol

Oh...that's true, she is four to five hours ahead of us here in Nigeria and the scheduled time will be late at night for her...

I will have to drag dwixer to rescue me, haha 😂

It's sure gonna be a fun Friday and tensions will be high too 😂.
Well any day I go in for the game, I'm coming out a winner.


hahahaha it's so fun!

see you on Friday!!

I’m not always lucky in contests but I’d surely give this a try

hehehe the game is so fun but it's also so nerve-wracking 🤣

Wow, congratulations to the contestants for this week deel or no deel.

This Friday would surely be hot like cocoyam, hehe. I wish them all pirate luck, lol. Let's go.


good morning gorgeous 🤩🥰

A very big morning/evening to you too 😁

This is going to be lovely, I am a bit nervous but let’s get it☺️☺️

Good luck to everyone


hehehee yes be nervous with us! we all get nervous in the game hahahaha

but it's hilarious 🤣


Odds say that eventually someone will beat his record - but it could take a while 🤣

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

hahahhaa but it could be the very next one too!!🤣

So true, but that would take some really good luck 😂


Dear @dreemsteem, you just got hugged.
I sent 1.0 HUG on behalf of @wrestlingdesires.

dreemsteem, wrestlingdesires sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/10) tools | trade | connect | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

1 @bipolar95
2 @beeeee
3 @amiegeoffrey
4 @rukkie
5 @dwixer
6 @brijwhiz

that is the number of how you're listed in the dreemerdeel tag! hehehe so let's see which numbers we chose!

first one.... 5! that is 8 HBD to @dwixer
second one... 6! that is 8 HBD to @brijwhiz
third one... 4! that is 8 HBD to @rukkie

hehehe I have been working - so I haven't had time to leave comments and read them all yet eheheh but I will try to get to it tomorrow when the baby sleeps!!! heheh

love you guys! hope you had tons of fun!

the HBD is on the way!! :)

Yay! 🥳
Thank You so much dreemsteem. We all love you

💃💃💃💃💃 wow!!! Thank you so much @dreemsteem . We love you😘😘😘😘😘

Congratulations to everyone.

Congratulations @rukkie @dwixer and @brijwhiz.

We all had fun writing this and thank you @dreemsteem for always.

Thank You @amiegeoffrey. We need had fun

Thank you sis.

Congratulations to the winners☺️☺️☺️

Thank you so much @dreemsteem

Congratulations @brijwhiz @Rukkie and babalawo @dwixer.. It was a fun game 😃... Thank you @dreemsteem for pulling all this together and love you too ❤️

@bipolar95, 😂. This new name you have given to me.
Thank You and happy Sunday

😂😂😂😂 babalawo indeed. Thank you so much sis.

Oh thank you dear luck, and @dreemsteem
I now feel like I should have bought a lottery last week :D It seems to have been my lucky week of the year :D :D :D

Good timing too, I was thinking of buying the @splinterlands spell book :) Now to hustle up 2 more HBD from my other tokens ;P

Deel or no Deel is one nerve-wrecking game, it's easier to give advice when you are in the audience but when you are at the forefront it is a different ball game😂😂

Always a #dreemerforlife

Will I not just be the coward and grab the bird (first offer) at hand 🌚. Although I am die hard #dreemerforlife, I have a very fragile heart 😅

Haha I used to love watching Deal Or No Deal with my Dad, but he was a terrible viewer to watch with! Every case was either, "Right on! I knew they would hit a lower number!" or "Ugh whatta moron, why would he pick that case?! 😩" Like you said: everyone's an expert!

I would love to play! Good luck everyone

ohhhhh we just finished today's round of contestants and it was SO FREAKING FUN. we laughed our butts off hahaha

the nerves are on high alert throughout every game and we are all cackling like kids hahahahaha

We had a little issue with the game bot - and I gave people the opportunity to play today - or come back for Tuesday at 9am Pacific

if yo'ud like to join in the fun as an audience member - come along!!! hehehe its in our discord server!

i always choose one person from the audience to play hehehe so maybe its you!!!