Humans evaluating AI... not the other way around.

in Ecency4 months ago

so many cupcakes... so little time

As a private project, DreemPort has had the luxury of allowing Hive and Hive communities to shoulder the burden of AI-checking posts.

No one writes ON DreemPort. So the platforms WHERE they write are usually the ones who are maintaining their own communities. We receive that benefit gladly! 😀

Dreemers only share their post , which already has a home URL from their favorite platform or front-end, to DreemPort - in order to have real readers, read their work. (and hopefully comment, connect, and grow beyond what they could do on their own.)

And that is what we do, and do well. Well, we also have a little fun now and then... hehe. Treasure Hunt, anyone? lol Arggggh! ☠️😂

However, we knew the time would come when we would need to add AI checks to our current screening process, which focuses primarily on plagiarism/ copyright/ and sourcing issues. The problem : we had seen the effects of false positives and the damage that had done to human writers trying to prove their humanity. I myself wrote a post about how ridiculous it was that a 100% human-written post, with absolutely 0 editing help but my own - could score as 88% human. People thought I was joking - that 12% AI seemed "low" enough for me to not take it so seriously.

No. 12% AI on a 100% written post seems like a significant 12 point error. And also -IF my 100% human post was scoring that high, then what kind of scores would be given to writers who DID employ the help of Grammarly, Taia, and the like? It made me very nervous to start something new on DreemPort without having data that I KNEW - as a human being - was accurate.

So - we created our own experiment.

For any community that wants our actual data - feel free to reach out to us, and we can show you what we determined! It's yours to use as you like! But for the sake of summarizing our data in a way that's palatable... we will just give the broad strokes in this post.

We used the free as our choice of AI check. We do have the option of checking further with the paid version of - but for our needs, seemed to corroborate OUR facts - with ITS interpretation.

Because, after all, THAT is what we want to know.

We don't want to know if we are "approved as human" by an AI checker.

We want to know if we give the AI checker our HUMAN content (that we 100% know to be)- that IT is able to score high on OUR test.

That might seem like a very small distinction to make, but it, in fact, is not. I do not need an AI checker to suggest to me how my 100% human written post should be "corrected" by its robot suggestions to make me sound more human. Following? lol. In my world, I am the human and it is the robot - and never the two shall be confused.

Feel free to skip this post - and go check our results for yourself, also.

You can access the tag #dreemtest, and it should pull up all posts that were in our test. All of our tests had rewards declined, all of our participants were paid 5 HBD for their time, and all of our participants asked Hive users to NOT upvote their posts. All of the posts should also be dated Feb 2, 2024 or before. All of the posts should also have a comment from me. If any post does not meet with these guidlines above, please do not consider it as part of our test.


The testers were directed to write a post with the theme "I had a dream about cupcakes" as the topic. As most AI checkers need at least 100 words to test, they were directed to make their post between 150-200 words. Their first, original post was to have ABSOLUTELY NO HELP/EDITING from any kind of programming - not autocorrect, not MS Word prompts, not Grammarly - nothing.

We wanted this first test to be 100% human. 0% chance of any AI manipulation.

The second iteration was put through Grammarly, with HALF of the suggestions used.

The third iteration was put through Grammarly, with ALL of the remaining suggestions used.

If - for any reason, Grammarly was not able to be used according to the above stipulations, they were allowed to try Grammarly's AI editing tool (which basically allowed AI to rewrite the post for them.)

Our test also had an additional portion where I asked our testers to go find a very old post, preferably before 2021, and run it through We were curious to see what those test results would relay to us.


On the first iteration with 100% human-written posts, reported that ALL TESTS (with the exception of one) were 0% AI. The one that did register AI, was 2.75% AI/ 97.25% human. I would imagine that this might be an instance of the person not realizing that they were using a big of editing help?

Most communities will not recognize anything under 50% AI as something with which to be alarmed or concerned. Even this recent conversation with support at relayed the same information with their AI checker.

You can see that anything under 30% AI according to them, is A STRONG ORIGINAL SCORE. For that reason, 2.75% AI did not alarm us in the least. We were VERY pleased that this checker did in fact recognize that the posts were 0% AI - all human.

The second iteration will be divided into two conditions: Grammarly-type suggestions, and full AI re-write.

The Grammarly-type suggestions DID in fact register. The scores went from 0 to 2% on average - still extremely low.

The AI rewrites jumped IMMEDIATELY to 46.68% AI, 58.92% AI, and 87.14%. As we know that this WAS manipulated by AI, these were exactly the scores we would have expected.

For our purposes, DreemPort would take scores that reached a certain threshold and run them further through (the paid checker) to get secondary results.


We are willing to add AI checks to our CURRENT human, and manual screening process in order to ensure that the work that we promote on DreemPort meets with our integrity. Though it will be added, it will be added in a way that does not place AI interpretation over our own. We will always strive to utilize our own human methods of conversation, evaluation, intuition, and interpretation as the umbrella under which the AI checks fall. We value human interaction, and the ability to learn, grow, and change more than computerized absolutes. However, make no mistake, we also remove, suspend and permanently ban dreemers from DreemPort for being unwilling to learn, grow, and change.

How will this be implemented in DreemPort?

This has been discussed recently. We always want to present things in a fun and interesting manner - but also in a way that encourages positive growth. We feel that there is a nice way to represent this in a way that both ensures other dreemers that each post that they're reading has met with our approval, and also allows individual dreemers to challenge themselves to use AI editing less - and train their brain to become better writers.

I'll reveal more of this in our upcoming update - and I'll also most likely use our polls for dreemers to weigh in on some of the suggestions!

But for now, I'd like to conclude with one more thought, and a suggestion that might be very helpful to those who want the right tools to do the work themselves to become better writers.

In an era where time is money and money is time, the temptation to have AI write pieces for your daily post is probably at an all-time-high. And... as always, the choice is yours. But one of the things that I've noted in my own writer's journey is this: YOU WILL GET BETTER the more you write, the more you edit, the more you read, and the more you connect with other writers. If you use the shortcut method, you'll never grow beyond your starting point.

If you need help in becoming a better writer, one of our dreemers RAVES about this application that has really strongly improved her writing. In the beginning, she wrote and submitted, and edited based on their suggestions for HER to rewrite. But a beautiful thing happened. The more she used this tool, the more it started changing her writing style AS she was writing. Now, she uses this tool less - because it WORKED.

She has grown BEYOND her original style into a better writer because it changed her way of thinking AS SHE WROTE.

AI can't do that for you.

But maybe this tool can! (and no - i'm not paid by this app. lol)

Click on that image above -and it can take you to the site... nope, not a referral link or anything. Just some help from us to you! Hope it works out!

Be sure to tune in to the new AI update that we will have in the next few weeks... should be fun! should help us grow! should keep us human! hehe

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @mypathtofire, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

so many cupcakes image... by me and DreemPort!

screenshot of convo - through

zohowriter image - from


I saw one of the dreemtest post written by balikis, though I first wondered what was going on because she was not the type to write such a short fictional post with an inconclusive ending, so I read through and discovered it was meant for a purpose.

I also saw your comment on the post and I was like dreem is definitely up to something again😅

Based on the test result I believe The inclusion of this AI checker into the screening of post submission will promote original written content, a true trait found in writers but has nearly gone extinct due to the emergence of Usage of AI to generate content.

I believe this is what set dreemport apart from communities on hive, it is not about just creating quality content but also ensuring and promoting human written quality contents.


hehehe yes - our dreem teem rose to the challenge for me!

They all completed the test in just 3 days total - love them!!! (and now you are soon to be one of us too hehehe)

and yes - you know me... always up to something to make us better!! :)

I do believe that this will help us grow - and help us to help each other to grow too!!! that's what its all about right??

working as a unit. as a TEEM! :)

thanks for your amazing comment Sir!!! I appreciate you!

You might not have noticed but I'm so proud to be a dreemer because we are a group of extraordinary individuals working towards a purpose 🤗

of course we noticed... why do you think you were invited into the inner sanctum? LOLOL

you might not have noticed... but we love you ❤️🤗 (or maybe you did notice hehe)

I appreciate your kind words, it is always pleasure.🤗

What a great experiment, I was curious as to what it was about. 😀

I was pulling my hair out trying to register a score above 0%

It's not as easy as you think to write like an AI! 😅

hahaha a lot of people were curious!

a few said "can i be in the test??" before they even knew what it was about hahahaha

it definitely made me feel a lot better to know that the scores we were receiving were accurate according to what we were putting in!

putting in 100% human and getting back 12% AI as a score is NOT the tester I want. hahahaha

Great to see those results! 👍

Nice one there

You are right. When we let our brain work, it always delivers. As long as we are willing to improve, we will achieve our aims.

Though I do use Grammarly, that doesn't mean I take all the suggestions given by it. Even after using it, I still find myself rereading again.

The dreemtest was a lovely one. The dream about cupcakes was an awesome one, and I couldn't help getting myself a cupcsle today, hehe.


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Because knowing is half the battle! (GI Joe Reference lol)...



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It was a good little set of testing, Ms. Dreems! And now we are better positioned than before 🤗🙌

I like this cupcake and I'm already salivating seeing it, lol.

It's good to have such checkers because some of the contents we have now are AI generated which aren't helping us to think like we should again.

I checked the #dreemtest and I must say it was an excellent one and the posts were good reads.


Wow, I remember seeing so many cup cakes post and I wondered why the posts were declined,now it just got unfolded.

Dreemie, you are always up to something nice to make us better, grow more and learn

I saw the results of test and now I know why some posts used with grammarly shows some percentage of Ai

The human written post without grammarly shows 100% human except for one post with a tiny percentage. This is an awesome test and it will be great to have the ai test included in will encourage dreamers to put more effort for a better growth.
I am curious to explore this site and know more..I will later
Kudos to dreemport TEEM

Proudly a #dreemerforlife

Post manually reviewed. 😊

Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @amberkashif.
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I had so much fun with the writing part of this :) Not so much with the grammarly adventure 🤣

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project


Very enriching publication.
In fact it cleared my recent doubts about artificial intelligence grammar checkers.

Particularly I have used a grammar checker because I work on the phone and at night, that is, a small screen and suddenly the fatigue makes me lose some details when writing, an accent, a comma, things like that.

But I take on the act of writing just as you put it, as a challenge to think, to synapse, to improve, to grow and to develop the art of writing.

I recently read: "You have to love reading to be a good writer, because writing doesn't begin with you" Carlos Fuentes.
I'll keep something important from the post, take some time to revise and proofread calmly and leave Artificial Intelligence aside, so I'll keep moving forward.

Thank you!

Stay tuned for new posts.

from what we saw... small grammar corrections from Grammarly really didn't make much of an effect at all with the AI checker that we used. We appreciated that! It clearly picked up on when the AI checker was actually making suggestions on text, or when it was rewriting altogether. (which we also appreciated)

Just for fun - I ran you comment through hahaha just so you could see how it ranks your writing...

and ready???

Your comment was 0% Ai. Fully human! hehehe

If you write for the love of it - then, you'll truly gain so much out of the editing process also. Even just leaving a post for a night, and coming back to read with fresh eyes will give you SO much to learn!

Or... giving yourself an arbitrary number to cut. If your post is 400 words - try to make it 350. It will seem like every word you first wrote was so necessary - but when you near that 350 mark, you'll see you actually have a tighter, crisper post with a more direct punch!

So often we spend words frivolously hehehe (writers- we love our words!!!)

I really appreciated this comment... I'm heading to your blog now to read something of yours!

I find myself taking note of your recommendations hehehe!

Thank you very much, I will implement them.

The one about setting word limits caught my attention, it's a good exercise to develop synthesis capacity.
Good idea.

Always appreciated.
Best regards.

¡Estoy feliz de poder ayudar! Parece que ya eres un gran escritor, pero así es como todos mejoramos, ¡día a día! jejeje

I'm happy to help! It seems like you're already a great writer, but this is how we all improve, day by day! hehehe

This was totally fascinating to read. I love the power that AI is bringing to the world and how more efficient it can make us. But then, there should be a line drawn between lazy work and original, humanly inspired work. A very thick, unmissable line. Yes, let's do this! Wait. I think it has already been done. Oh well, Go Go Dreemport!


We appreciate you taking the time, to either use #ThoughtfulDailyPost, or otherwise help this Community grow. So...

Thank you!!

Wes & Grindan

I love how dreemport is taking things slowly and with high focus on content quality. One thing about being a writer is the willingness to improve and be a better person when it comes to writing. I love how dreemport is always coming up with new and amazing ways to make individuals on Hive better. Relying on AI cannot make us grow...we need to be ready to take challenge that would keep our brains active and in working mode....

Many times when I use Grammarly, I still find myself going over the text again and again because sometimes, I notice Grammarly also fail. Lol...yes it does!
I love the test method!


So that's what it was 😃🔥
Quite lovely that our posts would finally be recognized as human...

Not that I've ever been accused of using an AI
I'd feel rather impressed if an AI could write with my purposely out of the box thinking/writing methods😂.

Can one purposely write like an AI, yet still be checked and scored to be 0% AI?

I wonder...
