When Blood is Thicker Than Water... You Tend To Loose All Sense Of Justice! | A Classic Fight Between The Ellites And The Underdogs, The Government VS The Resistance

in Hive Gaming21 days ago

Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing well.



Today, I will share with you guys the developments in Richmond, the growth of the relationship between Javi and Clementine, and the continued growth of distance between Javi and his brother turns into a beautiful bond. Today is also the day where Clem turns into a woman!

Without further ado, let's begin.

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We saw David and Javi getting locked up as Joan, with a hint of self-righteousness, made her views clear to Clint and Paul that she wanted what was best for Richmond and not herself. Even though she had to lash out at the other human settlements and swarm them with zombies just for the bounties of it. Javi didn't agree with the methods she used to survive, everything was tainted in human blood. This would no have happened if Javi had stuck with David's plan where he asked Javi to keep Kate and Gabe safe in a house while the others were still on the loose. Kate did not want to get to that house but Gabe did. That's where Javi and Gabe separated.

This Time

Flash Back

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Javi remembers his time with David at the Baseball park where he owned his brother at hitting the pitches. Naturally, his brother was getting annoyed that his little brother was better at him. David later asked him that they visit the shooting range next.

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A kid comes by and asks for Javi's signature. He also added that he only needs Javi's signature, no dates or other graffiti would make it worthless. So, Javi made it worthless. The kid was sad, Javi asked him if he wanted to make some money, then he better get a real job.

David later got out of the cage and tells him about his familial problems: he and Kate have been arguing like cats and dogs, and his relationship with Gabe has been a bit harsh. He wanted to go back to the army. Javi said that he would be there to take care of his family in his absence, if he really wanted to leave for it.

Present Time

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David asked why Javi betrayed his trust after he specifically asked him to take Kate and Gabe to his safe house. Javi said that he wanted them to be safe so he tried to get them away as far away from there as possible, and Kate also wanted to get out of there.

David elaborated that Joan somehow turned Clinton and Paul over to her side> Without them, there was little hope he could turn things around. Javi was about to suggest they hit the armory.

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Joan entered the prison cell, interrupting the Garcias' discussion. She asked them to comply as she would carry out the next part of her plan. Javi complied. She explained that David's imprisonment was to be known among the people of Richmond, so she would have a trial where she would explain to everyone why he was being jailed, which is why, she took David out of the cell leaving Javi to his devices.

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Javi roamed around the cell looking for anything to pry open the cell but he found nothing. A whisper came from the upper corner of the room, it was Kate. She found a metal pipe with which he and Javi pushed hard enough and removed it from the place. As it turned out, it was just a cheap gimmick of a lockdown pipe and it had no real pillars to strengthen the bond.

Kate risked it for Javi even though she had some close calls. They made it safely to David's safe house.

The Same Day

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Posters were plastered on the walls and a general meeting was called near the parliament for the next day.

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Javi and Kate met Gabe and were happy that he was okay. Eleanor and Tripp were also there, in the other room. Javi explains to everyone that Joan is about to pull the oldest move a politician makes in his\her campaign for power. She was about to pin all the murders committed by Max and Badger in the other settlements on David. Gabe instantly asked that they rescue his dad, and Javi agreed and also said they were looking out of a passage out of Richmond.

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Eleanor asked them to look outside the window. Javi pulled up the curtains only to find hundreds if not a thousand walkers near the walls. So, even if they freed David, there was no place to go to.

Javi asked that they rescue him nonetheless. This time, with a good plan. Kate remained behind and Tripp asked to stay back and watch over Eleanor and Kate if anything were to happen back at the house.

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Javi and Gabe made a plan to loot the armory. Gabe was the distraction and Javi would follow with a bang on the back of the guard's head.

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Once the guard was gone, getting to the loaded guns was a cakewalk. Javi asked Gabe to put the Ak in his bag while he carried a hang gun. He picked up a bunch of ammunition boxes but his path was blocked.

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Blocked by Ava! She demanded what he was doing there. Javi replied that he simply wanted to help his brother. She asked why she would trust him? Javi replied that David would need people on his side. Ava agreed and said that he didn't have many people on his side. Javi also added that his brother needed fighters and that's what David would want from Ava. Ava agreed to help. They planned to leave the place, Ava would cover for them while they would take the merch off the building.

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They got busted down the hall by Bob who was out on his regular patrol in the building. Gabe tried to surprise him but Bob effortlessly pushed him away and aimed his gun toward him. Javi threw himself toward Bob and the gun fell off his hands. he took out his knife and planted it deep in Javi's shoulder. Thanks to no weapon, Javi was able to knock out Bob with a shove on the wall.

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Javi asked Gabe to follow Ava out of the place with the guns while he looked for Dr. Lingard who was not far from the armory and tried to convince him to take David's side. That way, David would tie the struggle for power with Joan. To his surprise, Javi found Clem searching for meds in Lingard's office. Lingard was out cold, Clem did not do anything to him yet.
She saw his wound and asked if she could suture for him. Javi asked if she had done it before.

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Clem showed him the huge crack in her arms.
And this is where the whole of season 2 came back to me like a rushing river meeting a pitfall.

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They decided to look for the necessary chemicals for the procedure while Lingard was out of the world thanks to weed.

And that was it for today. A huge development has taken place, Ava has agreed to side with David and this time they had guns. After his wound gets banded, it is time for action!

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