Hive Gaming Community Daily Curation Project -15/04/2024

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

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Hive Gaming Curation Report

Welcome to another installment of Hive Gaming Curation.

With these reports we provide transparency of the curated content in collaboration with @ocd and at the same time highlight the content we liked the most in our community. The rewards are used for the curators, moderators, and various other activities related to the Hive Gaming Community.

After an edition of mostly retro games we time traveled back to the modern world today. Modern games. Great posts. Still, not fully devoid of the odd retro game. @acstriker finally took the time to give Pokemon GO a chance. He must be one of the last living humans on earth to not have tried it. Finally, the whole human race can stand united about at least one thing.

At Hive Gaming, we strive to highlight the best gaming content on the Hive Blockchain. We have scoured the community to find some posts that truly stand out in quality and engagement.

Engagement within the gaming community will only make our community stronger. So be sure to take some time each day and visit posts of others.

Be sure to join the Hive Gaming Community Discord and subscribe to the @hivegc account to stay up to date with all things gaming on Hive. Thank you for being a part of the greatest blockchain and for all of your contributions.

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 2 months ago  

Thank you so much for the support!!