Shaiya: Exciting moments in PvP Lv.80 [ENG/ESP]

in Hive Gaminglast month

What's up folks? I'm very happy to greet you for the first time this week (and this month) and we are getting closer and closer to the middle of the year... Today I present you again this game that has been present in my childhood but as you can see in the title, from one of the activities in the game which is the PvP and with one of my characters of the game which is a Priest... If you want to see the post I made a few weeks ago about this game you can see it here.

¿Que tal gente? Me alegra mucho saludarlos por primera vez esta semana (y este mes) ya cada vez estamos mas cerca de la mitad del año... Hoy les presento de nuevo este juego que ha estado presente en mi infancia pero como pueden ver en el titulo, de una de las actividades en el juego la cual es el PvP y con uno de mis personajes del juego que es una Cura... Si quieren ver el post que hice hace unas semanas sobre este juego pueden verlo aquí.

What is a PvP in Shaiya? Well, you see, as I mentioned in the previous post in this game there are two factions that are the Union of Light and the Union of Fury (you can distinguish the enemy in the screenshots because the names are in red) that are constantly in conflict, I have always been part of the Union of Light.... Years ago I didn't like to participate in the PvP because I was a little scared, but now that I've returned to play it's one of the most exciting things that the game has...

¿Que es un PvP en Shaiya? Pues, verán, como mencioné en el post anterior en este juego existen dos facciones que son la Unión de la Luz y la Unión de la Furia (pueden distinguir al enemigo en las capturas porque los nombres están en color rojo) que están constantemente en conflicto, yo siempre he formado parte de la Unión de la Luz... Años atrás no me gustaba mucho participar en los PvP porque era un poco miedosa, pero ahora que he vuelto a jugar es de las cosas mas emocionantes que tiene el juego...

In the game there are several maps that are PvP and exist for various levels such as 15, 30, 60 and 80, the ones I'm showing you today are level 80, which is currently the maximum level that your character can reach in the game...

En el juego hay varios mapas que son de PvP y existen para varios niveles como lo son el 15, 30, 60 y 80, los que les estoy mostrando hoy son los de nivel 80, que actualmente es el nivel máximo que puede alcanzar tu personaje en el juego...

If I'm not mistaken, every week there is a kill event, which makes the kill count increase faster, so you can rank up, as you can see in the screenshots, the maps are filled with a lot of people and I must confess that many times it gets laggy.

Si no me equivoco, todas las semanas ponen evento de kills, que hacen que aumente mas rápido el conteo de matanzas y así poder subir de rango, como podrán ver en las capturas, los mapas se llenan de muchísima gente y debo confesar que muchas veces se queda lagueado

As you rank up, you can claim stat points that are used for the improvement of the character you are using and well, you might be wondering what the character I'm presenting in this post is supposed to do, as I said, this particular character is a Priest, that well.... Heal, basically her function is to heal the players who are in charge of attacking and obviously her abilities are of great importance in basically everything related to this game....

A medida de que subes de rango, puedes reclamar puntos de stat que son usados para la mejora del personaje que estés usando y bueno, ustedes se preguntaran que se supone que hace el personaje que estoy presentando en este post, como bien ya dije, este personaje en particular es un Cura, que bueno... Cura, básicamente su función es curar a los jugadores que se encargan de atacar y obviamente sus habilidades son de gran importancia en básicamente todo lo relacionado a este juego...

Generally I always have to stay back to protect myself and to be able to protect the teammates who are in charge of attacking, it's very exciting when big PvP sessions form (so to speak), I don't really know why I didn't dare years ago to participate in PvP.

Generalmente siempre debo mantenerme atrás para protegerme y poder proteger a los compañeros que se encarguen de atacar, es muy emocionante cuando se forman grandes sesiones de PvP (por decirlo de alguna manera), no se realmente porque no me atrevía años atrás a participar en PvP.

A few years ago MMOs were very popular (including this game, the servers were full), and now they are not or not as popular as in their golden years (seriously, back in 2010 onwards, I saw MMORPGs everywhere), but I'm still very excited about this game and I must confess that I've become a bit addicted to it.

Hace unos años atrás los MMO eran muy populares (incluyendo éste juego, los servidores se la pasaban llenos), y ahora no lo son o no tanto como en sus años dorados (en serio, por ahí en el año 2010 en adelante, veía que habían MMORPG por todos lados), pero igual me sigue emocionando muchísimo éste juego y debo confesar que me he enviciado un poco.

I hope you liked today's post as much as I did, and I hope to meet some veteran player of this or any other MMORPG. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and see you later in another post ❤️

Espero que les haya gustado el post de hoy tanto como a mi, y espero encontrar algún jugador veterano de éste o de cualquier otro MMORPG. Yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

Translated by DeepL

Traducido por DeepL

 last month  

Are all those people actuall players or some are bots because they are so many. Is there a leader or commander in these fights or do people just fight anyone they like and do whatever damage they can... what a massive

Those are all real people playing hahaha, there's usually a person warning what steps to take as far as retreating or pushing, but generally people are going to attack whoever gets in their way (and well, characters like mine, heal).... It's one of the things that brings people together the most in the game.

 last month  

At the time I got to play it and those were very amazing moments that I lived in this video game, I lived that experience of seeing thousands of players connected to kill a boss, they were very epic moments

Lol was too epic and the truth remains at times, still meet often to kill bosses.

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