Everything You Need To Know About The Act 2 Update to Death Must Die

in Hive Gaminglast month

Death Must Die finally dropped its Act 2 update so of course I had to go make a video on it. This is one of the best updates I've seen to an early access rogue lite in a long time and I've been sinking so much time into it. If you haven't checked out the game already then now is definitely the right time to get into it. The new player experience is a lot better than before.

Hopefully this update is the right kick in the butt for me to get back to making some videos. It's a fun process, especially when it pays off, which I've had a good deal of luck with. It's a nice piece of side income to just casually have $2-3 come in every day without me doing much.

These videos here are of the scripted kind where I go through the update, make a script then record it and edit the video afterwards. They're a bit of work but the quality of the video us usually better than when I just wing it. There's so many "umms" and "eehhs" if I wing it. Brain can't compute fast enough.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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Reveal spoiler


 last month  

Haha LOL, that little green man is quite powerful. Interesting how they managed to create incredible effects in isometric pixel art using only two diagonal directions.

 last month  

I like this style of video games a lot, this one seems good to me now with that new update, I will try it to spend a few hours with it

I really like that, for this update, they have included the character leveling system. I've been doing some digging, but your video is pretty complete; I'm a bit terrified about the “early access” thing XD. I love how they've been working on the game... I hope they don't make drastic changes in the future.

The scripted videos are, without a doubt, wonderful, excellent job!