Steeled Veterans Premium Warbond Completed - Helldivers 2

in Hive Gaming2 months ago

Helldivers 2 has done so much right in their short time in the gaming space. They have made a really good game. They have upheld great communication with the community. They have brought gamers together in a way I'm not quite sure I've seen before. Most importantly they've done all of this without being predatory when it comes to monetization even if they have battle passes. This last point is probably hard to believe.

About warbonds

What makes the battle pass, or warbonds, model of Helldivers 2 so great is that you have infinite time to complete them. Once a warbond is released you don't have to buy it straight away and play your nuts off to complete it in a set amount of time. You can play the game at your own pace without any fear of FOMO. The warbonds stick around until you've completed them and you can even purchase them years from now if you so wish.

Premium warbonds costs 1000 of the premium currency called super credits. This costs around $10 if you buy them through microtransactions but you can easily grind them out in the game as well. If you're thorough in exploring the map in each of your games you can easily find 10-50 of these per game depending on your luck. I was able to buy this premium warbond after just 2-3 weeks of playing without spending any real money on it.


Steeled Veterans

The Steeled Veterans premium warbond was released alongside the game. They've later released two more premium warbonds. I could have chosen one of the other ones but I wanted to get this one beacuse it seemed to have the most interesting weapons. Each premium warbond so far has included 3 sets of armor, 3 primary weapons, 1 new grenade, 1 secondary weapon and 1 booster in addition to super credits and some lesser cosmetics. Decent value in my opinion seeing as you can grind out the premium currency.

Each Premium Warbond seems to follow a set theme and for Steeled Veterans this time is fire. The grenade is incendiary and one of the primary weapons is a shotgun that shoots incendiary rounds. The original breaker used to be one of my favorite weapons in the game so seeing there was one that could set enemies on fire as well I just had to have it. The direct damage is less than the original breaker but you make enemies burn.

Turns out though that the JAR-5 Dominator is a far superier weapon, at least in my book. This gun propels grenades at enemies and has a pretty high damage output. A well placed shot takes out medium sized enemies with just one shot which is very satisfying. It has a slow fire rate but makes up for it in precision and damage. It's basically like a sniper shotgun.


I'm also quite happy with how the armor sets look and especially the passive effects that they give. These armors gives you a longer throwing range meaning I can throw my grenades and stratagems 30% further than before. Very convenient when dealing with outposts and bug holes as I can take them out from a greater distance. I'm not opposed to the fact that I look a bit like a storm trooper wearing this armor either.

I finished this premium warbond just as they released a new one and I'm probably going to give them some money for super credits to buy it. By the time I finish that one I should be able to afford the last one they currently have out for the super credits I grind along the way. I don't mind spending some extra money on a game that's as good as this. They deserve it.


All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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Reveal spoiler


 2 months ago  

...maybe I should get a copy of this soon. very tempted lol.

Don't get a copy. Get an original.

 2 months ago  

HAHAHA. but we don't own games anymore. 😆

The character and weapon design I liked a lot. The helmets remind me of Star Wars, I hope to have the opportunity to try this game looks interesting.

I've seen a lot about this game but no actual gameplay.

Is it really worth the hype though??
_Honestly those suits remind me of a Star Wars I used to play way back in the day! Was amazing shit. The graphics looks quite neat!

Well 400k+ people seems to have believed so for two months now. Must be something there.

 2 months ago  

I love this model of getting credits or in-game currency by just playing the game and then using them to buy passes, premium etc and other cool things.

 2 months ago  

I have been following the publications of this video game, it is really fun and entertaining, especially the great wars you have, I like that they have that difference between paid and unpaid accounts, but if I would love that this is not a problem, but that who has a free account, you can have those things that only have premium accounts, but to have them you have to play a lot and do a number of things totally difficult

I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. There's no free or paid accounts. The game costs $40 for everyone. It's just that you can choose to buy extra battle passes if you want to.