Strikes Are Crazy Strong In Death Must Die Act 2

in Hive Gaming27 days ago

I've been diving into the new Death Must Die update lately and I noticed very fast that strikes were super strong, especially mixed when the new character they released. The character with this kind of build is probably some of the most fin I've had in this game overall.

Crazy builds

These kind of videos for rogue like games are quite popular on YouTube. You create some kind of overpowered build and then show it off in a video. You're almost guaranteed a decent amount of views and if you do your SEO right you can expect to see quite a few more.

The issue with these kind of videos is that there's so many content creators doing them, especially for games as popular as this one. Because of that its gonna look like you're ripping off other peoples videos unless you're super early. I tried being early with a few of these videos for this update but I just can't keep up with the pace of some of these other creators.

By the time I get out 2 videos the other people have made 5 and all the good builds have already been published. It's a bit disheartening but at least I'm able to harvest a few views still.

All images in this post are screenshots taken by me.

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 26 days ago  

These games are definitely all about finding those builds with works. The crazy part is some you don't expect to work that well at first but they get super interesting combined with a new item or upgraded weapon. Love your video quality man.

Just two but good quality ones.

 26 days ago  

I see that we can create good build s when it comes to improving our characters, I am glad that they have updated the game, that means that in the future they will continue to share good improvements for the game.

 26 days ago  

At first I think you should start increasing your Attack Damage by a greater amount, this character already has a very good attack speed at first. But you don't have to follow my advice of course, you can build it however you want LOL.