In front of Kitasenju Sta. / 北千住駅前(English & Japanese)

in Liketulast month




These are photos from a Sunday visit to Kitasenju with my family.

Kitasenju station is connected to the department stores Marui and Lumine, and is always crowded with passengers and shoppers. It is cluttered with buildings, but not as crowded as Shinjuku or Shibuya, so for me it is a relatively easy place to stop by. When I used to commute by metro, I used to have a cup of tea here by myself on my way home from work. I miss it. However, I don't want to take a crowded train to work again...

It was "Children's Day" and we went to eat shabu-shabu at the request of my sons. The "Sekai no Yamachan", famous for its chicken wings, had opened near the station, so we will try it again next time.





For the best experience view this post on Liketu


seems like a chlil area. didn't seem too crowded?

It's not as crowded as some of the other well-known cities in Tokyo. Though it feels crowded to me.

I want to travel and get to know that country. I think it's beautiful! 🤩

Thank you. I like this scenery too😄