My Boy 🩶🌸

in Liketulast month


Hello friends, I didn't write yesterday because I had connection problems. By the way, I arrived in Medellín and spent the day with my boy. We went to eat and talk a lot. We didn't really take many photos, we wanted to enjoy the moment.

We are little pieces of all the people we ever loved. The topics we enjoyed, the places we visited, all that we kept silent about, all that we learned. That habit that stuck to you, the way of thinking that renewed you, that new perspective that I brought you, we are all a little bit of what we once were with others.


Hola amigos ayer no escribí ya que tuve problemas de conexión por cierto llegue a Medellín y pase el día con mi chico, fuimos a comer y hablar muchísimo, realmente no nos tomamos muchas fotos queríamos disfrutar el momento.

Somos pedacitos de todas las personas que alguna vez quisimos.
Los temas que gozamos, los lugares que visitamos, todo eso que callamos, todo eso que aprendimos.
Ese hábito que se te pegó, la forma de pensar que te renovó, esa nueva perspectiva que te aporto, todos somos un poquito de lo que algún día fuimos con otros.

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