Where is Waldo ? | donde esta Wally ? [EN - ES]

in GEMSlast month

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Good morning everyone!

In the course of life, we meet a wide variety of people. Personally, I am convinced that every individual has the potential to be extraordinary. However, I also recognize that this perspective is not the most common.

Clearly, we cannot deviate from the norm and at the same time be part of it. The norm, by definition, is usually mediocre. Although who knows, maybe in a thousand years we will reach a society where the norm is perfection. Although personally, I doubt it :)

Since I'm unlikely to live to witness that moment, I prefer to hold on to my 3.33% rule, just as I believe in the 80/20% principle.

As such, I am willing to provide opportunities to all, even if I am sometimes affected by prejudice. However, my judgment is constantly evolving as I observe actions, behaviors and get to know people.

With most people I tend to experience a certain boredom. It's not that I think they are bad people or that I have anything against them. It's just that their company doesn't arouse any interest in me, and I guess the feeling is mutual.

Just as it doesn't hurt me to give opportunities to change my perception, it also doesn't hurt me to move on without looking back.

However, I keep my heart open in this world. I don't let myself down because I don't expect anything, and sometimes, I even surprise myself :)

I wish you a good day and encourage you to be people who contribute to the world.
Neither you nor I are the world, but we are a part of it.....
part of the legacy we leave...
and part of the future we build....


¡Buenos días a todos!

En el transcurso de la vida, nos encontramos con una amplia variedad de personas. Personalmente, estoy convencido de que cada individuo tiene el potencial de ser extraordinario. Sin embargo, también reconozco que esta perspectiva no es la más común.

Es evidente que no podemos desviarnos de la norma y al mismo tiempo ser parte de ella. La norma, por definición, suele ser mediocre. Aunque quién sabe, tal vez en unos mil años lleguemos a una sociedad donde la norma sea la perfección. Aunque personalmente, lo dudo :)

Dado que es improbable que viva para presenciar ese momento, prefiero aferrarme a mi regla del 3,33%, al igual que creo en el principio del 80/20%.

Por eso, estoy dispuesto a brindar oportunidades a todos, aunque a veces me vea afectado por prejuicios. No obstante, mi juicio está en constante evolución a medida que observo acciones, comportamientos y voy conociendo a las personas.

Con la mayoría de la gente suelo experimentar cierto aburrimiento. No es que piense que sean malas personas ni que tenga algo en su contra. Simplemente, su compañía no despierta ningún interés en mí, y supongo que la sensación es mutua.

Al igual que no me cuesta dar oportunidades para cambiar mi percepción, tampoco me duele seguir adelante sin mirar atrás.

Sin embargo, mantengo mi corazón abierto en este mundo. No me decepciono porque no espero nada, y en ocasiones, hasta me sorprendo :)

Les deseo un buen día y los animo a ser personas que aporten al mundo.
Ni tú ni yo somos el mundo, pero sí somos parte de él...
parte del legado que dejamos...
y parte del futuro que construimos...

Good evening, cherished Actifit community!

Today marks a triumphant return to achieving my 10,000-step goal, though it was a close call. The journey to hit that milestone was a bit of a slow burn, but I'm thrilled to have made it.

On the work front, the pace was somewhat gentler today, affording me a chance to catch my breath. Despite the relative calm, the weariness from previous days still lingered.

To decompress, I opted for a leisurely stroll around town while awaiting my partner's return. The change of scenery was refreshing, and I savored every moment, especially when accompanied by the delightful presence of our furry friends in the garden.

Interestingly, a significant portion of my step count was accumulated right here in the comfort of my room, where I indulged in some captivating YouTube content. It's amazing how engaging videos can be conducive to keeping active!

As the day draws to a close, I bid you all a serene and rejuvenating night ahead. Here's to another day of triumphs and adventures tomorrow!

Thank you :)

I am everyday live on twitch, click below on the link and come say hi, and that your from hive :)


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