Garden Update - Day Thirteen Cannabis Update

in Canna-Curate24 days ago

Hello Everyone,

Today turned out to be another damp rainy day in Syracuse New York.

It wasn't raining when I went out for a bike ride in the late afternoon, but storm clouds quickly rolled in when I arrived at the inner harbor, so I decided to capture a few photographs.

First let's look at the cannabis today.




Today I managed to get the tent holding around 89-90 degrees Fahrenheit, and humidity to float at around 60% utilizing a little strategic venting via the portholes pull strings.

This range is proving pretty good for the seedling Crack Mack's.




All three seem to have pretty similar characteristics with how they look, and they all look very healthy and lush to me.

They're likely to exhibit some different traits from one another once they enter a more mature state of vegetative growth.

I will have to work out cooling and venting in the coming weeks. It will be a challenge in this new grow space I am quite sure, but I'm sure I'll get the temps where they're needed for optimal flowering. I still have plenty of time to work this out.

Syracuse New York Inner Harbor

Syracuse New York Inner Harbor

Syracuse New York Inner Harbor

Syracuse New York Inner Harbor

Syracuse New York Inner Harbor

Syracuse New York Inner Harbor

Syracuse New York Inner Harbor

The incoming storm made for some great captures. There was a lot of deep grey colorations in the clouds, lots of wind, and it felt eerie and electric. The way my hair looked further intensified this electrified feeling :D

Luckily I made it home before getting wet or electrocuted.

The weather has made it tough to really do much in the outdoor garden, and I need to get some supplies as well, so I've been slacking in that area.

That will do it for today's update.

Thank you for stopping by.

Have a good day! -@futuremind

Photographs taken with a Moto G 5G 2022 smartphone.


The cannabis plants are growing well
In the next five days, we’d be able to spot a great difference

Thank you @rafzat, you seem to have a high interest in cannabis cultivation. I like people who appreciate weed plants.

Your plants are looking great man. I can’t wait to see when they start to take off. These genetics are going to be interesting to watch. The shots of the harbor are really cool. Those clouds look wild. I am glad you have been getting out in the world.

Thanks man.
I have a really good feeling about these plants and think they are going to end up like regular photo period and grow some super fire. I hope I'm right because it would be cool to get a clone line going of these.

I've been trying to get out regularly to get some fresh air and perhaps meet people. I'm always looking for cool photographic opportunities while I'm out. The harbor is a pretty cool place and I live only a few minutes away from there.

The photos are the harbor are so cool. The clouds there are awesome.

Thanks man.
I'm happy you like them. My favorite captures encapsulated the sun shining through the clouds while the sky was dark grey, and it made the color of those flags pop vividly.

Ya, they were great shots. I hope you are able to get out more often and do that type of photography for.

Incredible how the plants start to grow like rockets when you give them the necessary nutrients and the capture of the moment is excellent. It looks very relaxing place to walk around after a good vaporization.

Looking good bro! So are your plants. Hopefully I’ll be able to get an update out myself. So far so good 😊

Thanks bro!
They're taking right off. Can't wait to see how yours are doing! I hope things have been clearing up with everything that's happened man.

Your plants are looking great, looking forward to seeing them grow.

And nice pictures you got while you were out.

Thank you bro.

Trying my best here while getting settled into the new place. Still a ways to go with getting my grow where it needs to be, but the seedlings are very healthy so far and just gave them a topping.

I like getting those scenic photographs while I'm out if the weather provides for it :D

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