The perfect excuse to drink tea

in Cinnamon Cup Coffee • 16 days ago

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I don't know if you think the same, and it's just too hot these days, it's a very popular opinion. And it is that when we go out, the heat almost melts us. My goal today actually when I left my house was to do a little shopping. I didn't really plan to last long on the street I just went out for those things I needed and that's it. But with all the honesty in the world it was too hot and I needed something to activate me, something that would help me with the heat and that of course would be pleasant to my palate. And since I was in one of the coolest areas of the city because there are many stores I decided to go to a reliable one exactly to Fruteria Don Jesus, where many times I've had coffee, I've eaten and I've spent pleasant moments.



If I'm 100% honest I really wanted to have a coffee, I felt the need to have a cappuccino or a mocha or even a cold coffee but the truth is that the heat is killing me and after looking at the menu I decided that the best thing to do was to go for an iced tea. I was with my mom, so we were both sitting at the table seeing what to choose and I said "you know what? Let's go for the old reliable" and we ordered a red fruit tea which is my favorite, I've mentioned it a bunch of times I really have nothing to explain. I love to drink it quite sweet but today that was not the goal, so I just put some sugar in it and that was it, my first time drinking it so low in sugar and I think I really liked the taste as I am obviously a person who loves everything sweet and I am very happy that I can get used to lowering the sugar a bit since at least I drink tea every day and obviously coffee as well.



But well, I also have to mention that sometimes I don't understand why the stores have the price of teas and infusions but when you ask for cold they charge too much. It seems very absurd to me and that's why sometimes I stop going to certain places, here in Fruteria Don Jesus that happens to me and I had forgotten just that but in the end I decided to stay calm and enjoy it, it was quite good as I mentioned and it was what I needed to continue with my day to continue walking and it also helped me not to fall asleep on the way back home because I live quite far away. That's the positive thing about it all really, it helps to manage emotions helps you feel better and you can adapt it to your lifestyle basically. That's what I wanted to convey with this post, I hope you loved it very much, see you soon!

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Certainly, @lucianav, it is getting very hot in some parts of the world and rains have broken out in others. The weather is a bit crazy.
The tea looks refreshing and beautifully colored. The presentation is very nice. From the red berry tea, I love the aromatic aftertaste. It is a synaesthetic sensation, as if you were sipping a perfume. And it is delicious. Wonderful for refreshment.

I'm sorry for what I'm about to say: for coffee or tea, there's no excuse or bad moment for drink it! God save those drinks!

I'm sure that Iced tea relieved what you've felt due to the hot weather.
As for me I prefer an Iced coffee especially with a mocha just like the one that I made in my latest blog.