We will cook at home... for now || Cocinaremos en casa... por ahora

in Hive Learners17 days ago

Food is generally considered indispensable for life. Unless we eat cultivated and ready-to-eat products (such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, etc.) we depend on someone to handle and cook the food. So, interesting the proposed topic, whether we prefer to cook ourselves or eat out. My answer: it depends. Please allow me to explain.

In our current circumstances, we prefer to cook. For now, the food we eat as a family is prepared at home. We have the time to do it regularly. This allows us to prepare food to our liking and to ensure hygiene. We admit that this is time-consuming, but we have learned to be practical and gradually reduce those minutes.

But what about those occasions when we want to eat something different, some fast food, a special dish, a cake, some hamburgers...? For reasons of economy, we have learned to buy the materials and prepare them at home. But the advantage is not only the savings, but we eat more! Let me give you an example.

My wife and I like hamburgers very much. Every once in a while we prepare them and, as a good accountant, I have totaled those costs. With the prices we have where we live, I have learned that it takes $21 to buy the ingredients necessary to prepare 10 hamburgers and their respective soft drink. It includes meat, egg, avocado, tomato, onion, lettuce, cheese, ham, egg, fries, sauces, spicy.... 10 delicious hamburgers! There we have practically 3 dinners all by ourselves at home. But, in our local fast food establishments, a hamburger of that size and with those ingredients can cost $6, each, plus the cost of the drink. That means that the same $21 would be enough to buy just three hamburgers, and if we order the fourth, we would have to stay to clean the dishes because we would owe money. Oh, and no drink.

So it happens with other foods, such as pizza, pasta, cakes, coconut kisses, candy, ice cream, bread, hot dogs, pepitos, grills, chawarmas, etc. We like to prepare them, and do it without stinginess, with all their complete ingredients. And we eat more. But what if our circumstances changed and we could choose to eat more on the street, perhaps for work reasons or because we are in other latitudes? Well, here things change!

In other circumstances, we would frequent fast food. Accessing ready-made food would save time, energy, consumption of services (such as electricity or domestic gas). Of course, the requirement would be (at least for us) that we can afford it. The idea is not to live beyond our means. That is why it would be a good option if we lived and worked in places where that is possible.

Now, we would enter into another issue: the quality of the food. On the one hand, we would look for establishments where there is a good "price / quality" ratio. Also, good portions and good taste. And on the other hand, not everything would be junk food, fried, delicious, greasy, succulent, that feeds our cholesterol, increases triglycerides and makes our liver fatty. No! We would include in the week nutritious, healthy food, such as salads, fruits, grilled food, soups, etc. Both would have a place in our diet without sacrificing good taste.

We have to be happy with the circumstance that we were given regarding the preparation of food. Of course, it is very important to take care that we are eating the best we can, and of course, to make room for those special and different meals on a regular basis, whether at home or out. Savoring food is a loving gift that we humans have received, because.... Oh! Excuse me. I'm being called to lunch...

Por lo general, se considera la comida algo indispensable para la vida. A menos que comamos productos cultivados y listos para el consumo (como frutas, legumbres, verduras, etc.) dependemos de que alguien manipule y cocine los alimentos. Por eso, interesante el tema propuesto, si preferimos cocinar nosotros o comer fuera de casa. Mi respuesta: depende. Por favor, permite que te explique.

En nuestras circunstancias actuales, preferimos cocinar. Por ahora, la comida que consumimos en familia la preparamos en casa. Tenemos el tiempo para hacerlo con regularidad. Eso nos permite preparar los alimentos a nuestro gusto y asegurar la higiene. Admitimos que ésto invierte mucho tiempo, pero hemos aprendido a ser prácticos y poco a poco disminuir esos minutos.

Pero, ¿qué hay de esas ocasiones en las que queremos comer algo diferente, alguna comida rápida, un plato especial, un pastel, unas hamburguesas...? Por razones de economía, hemos aprendido a comprar los materiales y prepararlos en casa. Pero la ventaja no es sólo el ahorro, sino que ¡comemos más! Te pondré un ejemplo.

Mi esposa y yo nos gusta mucho las hamburguesas. Cada cierto tiempo las preparamos y, como buen contador, he totalizado esos costos. Con los precios que tenemos en el lugar donde vivimos, he aprendido que hace falta $21 para comprar los ingredientes necesarios para preparar 10 hamburguesas y su respectiva bebida gaseosa. Incluye carne, huevo, aguacate, tomate, cebolla, lechuga, queso, jamón, huevo, papas fritas, salsas, picante... ¡10 deliciosas hamburguesas! Allí tenemos prácticamente 3 cenas nosotros solos en casa. Pero, en los establecimientos de comida rápida en nuestra localidad, una hamburguesa de ese tamaño y con esos ingredientes puede llegar a costar $6, cada una, más el costo de la bebida. Quiere decir que los mismos $21 nos alcanzaría para comprar apenas tres hamburguesas, y si pedimos la cuarta, tendríamos que quedarnos a limpiar los trastes porque quedamos debiendo dinero. ¡Ah! Y sin bebida.

Así sucede con otras comidas, como pizza, pastas, pasteles, besos de coco, golfeados, helados, pan, perros calientes, pepitos, parrillas, chawarmas, etc. Nos gusta prepararlos, y hacerlo sin mezquindad, con todos sus ingredientes completos. Y comemos más. Pero, ¿y si nuestras circunstancias cambiaran y pudiéramos optar por comer más en la calle, tal vez por razones de trabajo o porque estamos en otras latitudes? ¡Pues aquí la cosa cambia!

En otras circunstancias, frecuentaríamos la comida rápida. Acceder a comida lista economizaría tiempo, energías, consumo de servicios (como electricidad o gas doméstico). Por supuesto, el requisito sería (al menos para nosotros) que económicamente podemos pagarlo. La idea no es vivir por encima de nuestras posibilidades. Por eso sería una buena opción si viviéramos y trabajáramos en lugares donde eso es posible.

Ahora bien, entraríamos en otro tema: la calidad de la comida. Por un lado, buscaríamos establecimientos donde haya una buena relación "precio / calidad". Además, buenas porciones y buen sabor. Y por otro lado, no todo sería comida chatarra, frito, delicioso, grasoso, suculento, que alimenta nuestro colesterol, aumenta los triglicéridos y pone nuestro hígado graso. ¡No! Incluiríamos en la semana alimentos nutritivos, sanos, como ensaladas, frutas, alimentos asados, sopas, etc. Ambas cosas tendrían lugar en nuestra dieta sin sacrificar el buen sabor.

Hay que ser feliz con la circunstancia que nos tocó respecto a ésto de preparar los alimentos. Eso sí, es muy importante cuidar que nos estemos alimentando lo mejor que podamos, y por supuesto, dar lugar a esas comidas especiales y diferentes con regularidad, sea en casa o afuera. Saborear los alimentos es un amoroso regalo que hemos recibido los seres humanos, porque... ¡Oh! Disculpen. Me llaman para almorzar...


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Images: Shot with my Canon EOS Rebel t3i camera and edited with GIMP || Imágenes: Realizadas con mi cámara Canon EOS Rebel t3i y editadas con GIMP
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Language: Post written in Spanish and then translated into English through DeepL || Idioma: Post redactado en español y luego traducido al inglés mediante DeepL/

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Sure!, eating out save times and prevent of using electricity at home, eating out thus comes up because we might leave home without eating and expect to eat something on our way, sometimes it can be because of our work schedule or others activities we involved in, anyway, as far as we eat satisfactorily, it's going to make us happy.

 17 days ago  

Undoubtedly, good eating is part of our well-being and happiness. We must try to obtain it in the best possible way. Greetings @repayme4568

 17 days ago  

Preparing your own food ensures that in addition to saving cost and eating healthy, you also get more quantity for a lesser amount.
I like your style

 17 days ago  

It is a good applied accounting 😅. Regards @graat

 17 days ago  

I totally agree💯

 17 days ago  

I also love cooking and without a doubt it is the healthiest food. I liked your post

 17 days ago  

I believe that cooking is something de-stressing when we cook something we like, or for a loved one. Thanks for stopping by. Regards @ricestrela

 17 days ago  

You are very correct friend, fast foods are very accessible and so they save time and energy to prepare when compared to homemade foods. Homemade foods on the other hand fosters greater hygiene and control. So they are both great depending on the situation on ground.

Oh! Excuse me. I'm being called to lunch..

lol, what a way to end this interesting peice.

 17 days ago  

That's right, each one can have a place in our lives. We just have to choose and play the card we are dealt. Thank you for your kind words. Regards @normalyf

 17 days ago  

I love your post...it is true that home-made food save cost alot

 17 days ago  

It is true. The only bad thing is that we have to wash the dishes and pans. Thanks for stopping by. Thanks @adedoyin-g