My Top Traffic Sources for one of my Funnels in April 2024

in We Are Alive Tribe21 days ago (edited)


Starting in March of this year, I've been reporting on which traffic sources delivered the most subscribers to one of my most successful funnels, my 100% Commission Funnel.

Like a lot of #Alive Tribers who participate in the #Larryisalive daily hunt, I work with the Leadsleap platform. In the video I spend some time talking about how to get a more accurate picture of where your subscribers are coming from than the stats that you can track on your lead capture pages in your back office.

I also talk about my top traffic sources across the board; not just traffic programs, but also my other resources, such as my blog, my YouTube channel, and private 1-to-1 email conversations.

Here's the video:

NOTE: In the video I fail to remember that the tracking code "BRD" refers to the "broadcast" emails to my mailing lists!

There is no doubt about which has been my top source for traffic and subscribers ever since I launched the 100% Commission Funnel, and that is Traffic Zipper, as I explain in the video.

Here is my "Top 5 Traffic Sites" Leadsleap page, where I post my top five advertising sites for the 100% Commission Funnel at the beginning of each month:

And here is the lead capture page to my 100% Commission Funnel, which has made a big difference to my online business, turning it into something #aliveandthriving since I launched it a few months ago:


David Hurley

P. S. For a more detailed look at my top Performing traffic sites, check this blog post:
