Itadori is making rapid progress, but will it be enough? (Review with SPOILERS) [ENG/ESP]

in The Anime Realm27 days ago


What's up community? I hope you are doing well and have had a good weekend, today is manga Monday (well, I don't usually post about manga always on Mondays hahaha) and the Jujutsu Kaisen manga continues to surprise me, but very little, and not many chapters have been released since the last time I talked about it, but a couple of interesting things have happened. I warn that this post contains SPOILERS, if you don't want to ruin your experience with the series, I recommend you not to read it, if you still want to do it is at your own risk.

¿Que tal comunidad? Espero que se encuentren muy bien y hayan pasado un buen fin de semana, hoy es lunes de manga (bueno, yo no suelo postear sobre mangas siempre los lunes jajaja) y el manga de Jujutsu Kaisen sigue sorprendiéndome, pero muy poco, igual y no han salido muchos capítulos desde la última vez que hablé sobre el, pero han pasado un par de cositas digamos que, interesantes. Advierto que este post contiene SPOILERS, sino quieres arruinar tu experiencia con la serie, te recomiendo no leerlo, si aún quieres hacerlo es bajo tu propio riesgo.


Can we start by talking about Sukuna being Itadori's uncle? I honestly laughed a lot when I read the chapter (and of course, saw the spoilers), surely many already know that Itadori is a cursed uterus (the kind that was created by Kenjaku to be Sukuna's vessel), it turns out that Sukuna realized that Kenjaku is more perverse than perversion and used the soul of Sukuna's twin that was fluttering around (that Sukuna had devoured it inside his mother's womb, many already know what it is to have a twin in JJK's world) and implanted it so to speak in the one who would be Itadori's father while he (Kenjaku) having taken the form of a woman, conceived him, how shady all that.

¿Podemos empezar hablando de que Sukuna es el tío de Itadori? Sinceramente me reí mucho cuando leí el capitulo (y por supuesto, vi los spoilers), seguramente muchos ya saben que Itadori es un útero maldito (de esos que fueron creados por Kenjaku para ser recipientes de Sukuna), resulta que Sukuna se dio cuenta de que Kenjaku es mas perverso que la perversión y usó el alma del gemelo de Sukuna que estaba revoloteando por ahí (que Sukuna se lo había devorado dentro del vientre de su madre, muchos ya saben que es tener un gemelo en el mundo de JJK) y lo implanto por así decirlo en el que sería padre de Itadori mientras que el (Kenjaku) habiendo tomado forma de mujer, lo concibió, que turbio todo eso.


That explains a bit why Itadori did 7 Black Flashes in a row to Sukuna and why he learned so fast the reverse technique, which by the way, is finally getting some power ups, because lately everyone was going to Sukuna, but I'm still afraid it won't be enough to defeat him, as I said in my previous post about the manga, Sukuna defeated everyone who approached him to attack him as if they were mosquitoes and again I reiterate that I know he is supposed to be the strongest wizard, but as I said before, even the strongest must have a weak point, right?

Eso explica un poco el porque Itadori le hizo 7 Black Flash seguidos a Sukuna y el porque aprendió tan rápido la técnica inversa, que por cierto, al fin esta teniendo un poco de power ups, porque últimamente todos iban a Sukuna, pero igual me temo que no será suficiente para derrotarlo, como dije en mi post anterior sobre el manga, Sukuna derrotaba a todos los que se le acercaban a atacarlo como si de mosquitos se tratase y de nuevo reitero que ya se que se supone que es el hechicero mas fuerte, pero como dije anteriormente, hasta el mas fuerte debe tener un punto débil, ¿no?


In the last panel of the latest chapter of the manga, it is seen that Sukuna recovered the ability he used in Shibuya (the one with fire, sorry, I don't know what it's called) and was even able to expand his domain again, but only for a few seconds, which my rooster Itadori successfully resisted, losing a foot in the process.

En el ultimo panel del ultimo capitulo que ha salido del manga, se ve que Sukuna recuperó esa habilidad que usó en Shibuya (la del fuego, lo siento, no se como se llama) e incluso pudo volver a expandir su dominio, pero solo por unos segundos, los cuales mi gallo Itadori resistió con éxito perdiendo un pie en el proceso.


I reiterate that I just hope that the author has prepared something decent, because although now I'm a little excited that Itadori has become stronger, Sukuna apparently remains the author's favorite, tell me what you think about the most recent chapters of the manga if you already read them and if not, I don't know why you got here if I clearly said that it contained spoilers. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and I'll see you later in another post ❤️

Reitero que yo solo espero que el autor tenga preparado algo decente, porque aunque ahora emocione un poco que Itadori se haya vuelto más fuerte, Sukuna al parecer sigue siendo el favorito del autor, cuéntame que opinas tu sobre los mas recientes capítulos del manga si ya los leíste y si no, no se porque llegaste hasta aquí si claramente dije que contenía spoilers. Yo por ahora me despido, muchas gracias por leerme y nos vemos luego en otro post ❤️

Translated by DeepL

Traducido por DeepL


que bien que Itadori está evolucionando, me parece genial. Cada capítulo promete jeje tendré que ponerme al día y leerlo.

How nice that Itadori is evolving, I think it's great. Every chapter promises hehe I'll have to catch up and read it.

Espero puedas ponerte al día pronto! Gracias por pasarte...

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Wow, I've always enjoyed jujutsu Kaisen and I've just wanted to continue the story in the manga. So when I saw spoiler, I had to stop 😂😂.

Nice review friend. Thanks for sharing.

Are you also doing this months contest ?

I am trying to do it, hopefully I will have time to complete it. Thank you very much for stopping by my friend!

Nice, I hope you can also start.

Thank you very much for stopping by my friend!

You're welcome, my friend 😊.