Fade Away

in Freewriters16 days ago (edited)

Yesterday I felt a terrible disappointment from someone. I have really a tiny circle, very tiny. To them, I never really think before speaking, I just open myself as I am. Some of them live very far from here, we don't talk or mix on a daily basis like before. So there are some gaps between us yet the bond was there like always we had. There are new people attached on both ends but we didn’t part our ways completely.

Girls do have a weird instinct that they don't forget anything, no matter how tiny or big it is, or how old the matter is. If they can't express that right now then don't worry, today or tomorrow, or maybe after a few years, you will get to know that for sure, lol.

📸 meriç tuna

So the person I am talking about was offended by one of my judgmental statements towards her. Okay, I admit that I might have been judgmental, but it's also true that I didn’t have much information about the incident and so I made the mistake of giving my opinion based on that. She too accepted that I didn’t know much and still, I said that. Now, come on, who knew that you would share half of your problem and get offended when we say something? Even if you felt bad, you should have expressed that right then, it would have sorted out like nothing. But you won't say anything, keep it buried inside you. Collect a few more like this, and one day, burst out everything that could affect the bonding like never before.

If you feel bad about someone's behavior then you should talk and sort that out right away. It's not good to keep it in your heart for later. Where you should forget it completely or sort it out right away. These kinda tiny ill feelings get piled up day after day and one day, it turns out as a disaster, beyond your expectations.

I was speechless, seeing her digging such old shits after so long. These weren’t any major issues. And I do have an explanation for all of them I didn’t have any bad intentions or will to dishearten. But yesterday, I didn’t give any explanation nor did I use any harsh words, I just simply said sorry and said that I wouldn't repeat them again. No more drama, no more arguments or disputes. That's the best way to mitigate problems, talk less and avoid unnecessary clashes.

This is how I cut down people from my life. She is lost from now on, formal conversations, that's it! People who don't hold much value, I talk less with them, and never argue for right or wrong. They are not my enemy nor my companion anymore, just a token of friendship that holds some golden memories.


If we feel bad at someone’s behavior, we should tell them and speak up right? But it is usually crazy when the person does not admit that they are wrong. It hurts a lot especially when they keep repeating the same thing

Now, I am on such a stage where I don't argue. Even if someone says I am wrong whereas I was right, I don't even argue, I just say sorry and walk away.